acupuncture houston tx
Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic
Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic
infertility acupuncture houston tx


Acupuncture in Houston, TX - Houston Acupuncture & Herb Clinic

2405 South Shepherd, Houston, TX 77019.     TEL: 713-529-8332.

2431 West Holcombe, Houston, TX 77030.     TEL: 713-666-5667. 

We are one of the best, biggest, and oldest acupuncture clinics in Houston area.

                Acupuncture for infertility/fertility, male serm count, poor eggs quality, IVF/IUI, hormonal imbalance, age,  etc.

Acupuncture Houston TX - West Holcombe Clinic Acupuncture Houston TX - South Shepherd Clinic
acupuncture houston tx west holcombe clinic Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic at 2431 West Holcombe, Houston, TX. @ the corner of Kirby Drive and next to the Flower Corner.
acupuncture houston tx south shepherd dr. clinic Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic at South Shepherd Dr., Houston, TX@ the corner of Westheimer Drive and next to the KFC. This location has been servicing Houston for more than18 years.
Click here for the West Holcombe Clinic location map.
The clinic is located at the corner of Kirby Drive and next to Flower Corner
TEL: 713-666-5667.
Click here for the South Shepherd Clinic location map.
Acupuncture Houston TX-South Shepherd Clinic
TEL: 713-529-8332.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine help infertility,

supports IVF, IUI, improve egg quality and enhance implantation.

  Wen-Lung Wu, M.S., L. Ac., PHD as Doctor of Medicine in China

Jo-Mei Chiang, B.S. L. Ac., Master of Medicine (China)

     Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic, Houston, Texas.

 As an Chinese medicine doctor treating infertility, Jo-Mei (Jannie) Chiang focuses on providing the best possible fertility service emphasizing both the mental and physical conditions for her patients.  Her goal is not only achieve a healthy successful pregnancy, but also a natural, balanced, and more de-stressed experience.




M. W.  Acupuncture helps my Infertility IVF treatments

I was diagnosed with PCOS five years ago.  For the past two years I have been on fertility drugs.  My husband and I tried IVF two months ago.  It was not a success.  The embryos did not develop as they should have and my uterus lining was not ideal.

We decided to try IVF one more time with the help of Acupuncturist Jannie Chiang from Houston Acupuncture Clinic.  My doctor can’t believe the difference in this cycle.  Most of my follicles are growing the same rate and my uterus lining is triple the thickness.  My husband and I contribute a lot of the success to Houston Acupuncture and Herb.


E. A.  Acupuncture and herbs increased my sperm count.

I am a surgeon. Because of extraordinary stress through the practice, my sperm count was very low.  I came to see Jannie Chiang and followed her treatment plan.  Besides the acupuncture and herb treatments, she also gave me the recommendation of my diet and my stress reduction.  I took her treatments seriously. About 2 weeks later, I already experienced a tremendous reduction of my stress. 

After one and half months of treatments, my sperm count is unbelievably high.  The result even surprised my doctor.  Since I have had fantastic results, my doctor suggested me to stay on the treatments.  My wife and I are excited and we believe Acupuncturist Chiang will make our dream come true.   June/07


S. D.  acupuncture benefits my Invitro Fertilization greatly.

I came to Acupuncturist Jannie Chiang for infertility acupuncture treatments.  I am under the IVF procedures at the same time.  The acupuncture treatments really made a big difference for the results.  I produced good quality eggs, my uterus lining is ideal and I am able to control my mental stress. All the results from the acupuncture treatments were not happening when I had IVF without acupuncture.  I appreciate my acupuncturist, Jannie Chiang, and the treatments.  Now, I can enjoy my pregnancy. 


E. F.  IVF was helped through acupuncture

Acupuncture has been a wonderful experience while my husband and I have been going through invitro fertilization.  I had read that acupuncture provided some benefits to the IVF process, so I asked my doctor.  She said it would be great to try it.  I did, and it helped a great deal with preparing my body for the IVF procedures, as well as helping me deal with the stress of such a trying time.  I would definitely recommend it for other people going through IVF.             2007


C.A.    I have a successful ovulation because of acupuncture treatments.

I feel like my invitro has gone much more smoothly this time because of the acupuncture treatments.  I have had treatments twice a week and feel much less stress and am not as emotional as the other times I had invitro done.  Couple days ago from the ultrasound, my infertility doctor was amazed that I have produced lots eggs more than ever. I have been told that it is countless!

One day I had a headache when I came for my treatment and mentioned it before the acupuncture treatment.  My acupuncturist, Jo-Mei (Jannie) Chiang, put several needles on me and my headache disappeared within minutes.  I did not take any medicine for this headache and it did not return.  I was amazed because I have suffered from migraine headaches since my early twenties and only medication and sleep usually work on them.

I’ll never forget it!

The next time I have a headache I’ll be calling to caome by for a spot treatment!

Thanks for everything.  C.A.  08/07


Stress and infertility


Level of stress can express in many ways, anxiety, depression, frequent emotional changes, muscle tension, headache, insomnia, etc.  So stress not only interferes the mental condition but also develops the physical diseases.


How does stress affect the fertility?

Stress negatively interferes the hormonal communication between the brain, pituitary and the ovary.  Stress definitely impairs the egg maturation and ovulation.


It is known that a person is under stress, the neurochemical change is going to be experienced.  There is a direct nerve connection between the brain and the fallopian tubes and uterus.  Ovary’s ability also can be altered by the autonomic nervous systems. When a female is under stress, the spasms may occur in fallopian tubes and uterus, therefore it disrupts the functions of ovary for healthy egg production and implantation process in uterus.


Stress affects infertility in women could irregular the pituitary hormones bringing early menopause and impair the functions of ovaries and fallopian tubes causing irregular monthly cycles, immature eggs or miscarriage by the influence of abnormal nervous systems.


In man, stress also causes infertility.  Such as low sperm counts, abnormal motility, ejaculation difficulties, impotence, etc.


Women who experience fertility difficulties often develop emotional stress, such as depression, anxiety, anger, insomnia, low self-esteem and also carry over the disappointment to their partners.  Man may feel depression, anger, guilty, and worse of impotence. 


All the above emotional stress affects the sexual activity worse, furthermore hurts the relationship of couples and damages the security of marriage.  This results in a terribly bad cycle- infertility creates stress, stress disrupts fertility, then on and on.


For long time, infertility specialist and scientists did not believe stress affects infertility.  But recently more and more evidence showed that stress definitely interfere the reproductive organs and infertility.


Stress relief can reduce the negative force of fertility, such as depression, fatigue, anger, anxiety, etc.  The more negative stress diminishes, the more chance of becoming successful pregnant.  Especially for the condition of unexplained infertility, stress sometimes plays a big role.  When I consult some unexplained infertility patients, I always want them seriously look into the possibility of stress affects.


Shift the focus of life from becoming pregnant to a healthy, creative living in all other concerns is the best way of reduce the stress of fertility. A balanced diet, adequate nutrition, moderate yoga or exercise, breathing meditation, vocation, and relaxed social life are all the options for stress reduction.


How does Acupuncture reduce stress for infertility?

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can significantly reduce stress either during the treatment of infertility or for overall health concern.

Infertility is one of the most stressful conditions for people dealing with pregnancy. 


Once diagnosed with infertility, most of women experienced lost control of their lives.  All the insemination, IUI and other related reproductive treatments are costly, the financial stress is always deep, the side effects for hormonal medication cause emotional stress, IVF usually is the last resort and the fear of fail build up stress, too.


Acupuncture is a holistic way to stimulate the central nervous system to alter the production of neurochemical and furthermore integrates and balances the mental and physical conditions.  Besides to relax the body and mind, acupuncture also improves the autonomic nervous systems for female reproductive systems and overall physical tensions.


Acupuncture can improve and promote blood circulation of female reproductive organs. It results the better quality of egg production, the more nourished uterine tissue for implantation, a stronger support for conception and miscarriage reduction.


As an Chinese medicine doctor treating infertility, Jo-Mei (Jannie) Chiang

focuses on providing the best possible fertility service emphasizing both the mental and physical conditions for her patients.  Her goal is not only achieve a healthy successful pregnancy, but also a natural, balanced, and more de-stressed experience.


Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
acupuncture houston tx - south shepherd clinic

acupuncture houston tx west holcombe clinic

1. South Shepherd Clinic Location:
  2405 South Shepherd @ Westheimer (between Westheimer and Fairview), Houston, TX 77019.
  Tel: 713-529-8332    
Click here for the South Shepherd Clinic location map.

2. West Holcombe Clinic Location:

  2431 West Holcombe @Kirby (between Kirby and Fannin Street), Houston, TX77030.
The clinic is located at the corner of Kirby Drive and next to Flower Corner
TEL: 713-666-5667.
  Click here for the West Holcombe Clinic location map.

                        Back Pain | Neck Pain | Shoulder Pain | Migraine | Headache | TMJ | Arthritis | Sciatica / Pinched Nerve | Tennis Elbow/ Knee pain / Leg  / Heel / Foot Pain|
                        Infertility | Fertility| Male Infertility| IUI / IVF | High FSH | Egg Quality | PMS | Endometriosis | Menopause |Fibroid | Ovarian Cysts | Hormone Imbalance|
                        Stress | Anxiety| Depression | Allergy/Sinus | Insomnia | Diabetes | Hepatitis| Weight Loss | Face Lift | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Quit smoking|
                        Cold/flu/low immune | Irregular Period | Morning Sickness | Trigeminal Neuralgia | Hemorrhoid | High Blood Pressure | IBS | Cancer |
Copyright © Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic, 2405 South Shepherd, Houston, TX 77019, TEL:713-5298332. 2431 West Holcombe BLVD, Houston, TX 77030, TEL: 713-6665667. All rights reserved. No part of this publication protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, without written permission from the copyright owners.