acupuncture houston tx
Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic
Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic
acupuncture houston tx

Acupuncture in Houston, TX - Houston Acupuncture & Herb Clinic

2405 South Shepherd, Houston, TX 77019.     TEL: 713-529-8332.

2431 West Holcombe, Houston, TX 77030.     TEL: 713-666-5667. 

We are one of the best, biggest, and oldest acupuncture clinics in Houston area.

Acupuncture Houston TX - West Holcombe Clinic Acupuncture Houston TX - South Shepherd Clinic
acupuncture houston tx west holcombe clinic Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic at 2431 West Holcombe, Houston, TX @ the corner of Kirby Drive and next to the Flower Corner. acupuncture houston tx south shepherd dr. clinic Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic at South Shepherd Dr., Houston, TX@ the corner of Westheimer Drive and next to the KFC. This location has been servicing Houston for more than18 years.
Click here for the West Holcombe Clinic location map.
The clinic is located at the corner of Kirby Drive and next to the Flower Corner.  TEL:  713-666-5667.
Click here for the South Shepherd Clinic location map.
Acupuncture Houston TX-South Shepherd Clinic
TEL: 713-529-8332.

Diagnosis by feeling, or pulse

Taking, and palpation


In Chinese medicine, diagnosis by feeling or taking can be included as following methods:

palpation of the pulse

palpation of the skin

palpation of the limbs

palpation of the hand

palpation of the chest

palpation of the abdomen

palpation of the points

Pulse diagnosis is one of the diagnostic methods. Pulse palpation means to feel the patient's arterial pulse from the Chinese doctor’s three fingers’ tips to detect the disease conditions. It is one of the important diagnostic method of TCM. The pulse condition is associated with the functions of Qi, Xue, five Zang and Six Fu organs.  Therefore, pulse-taking will help to locate the natural diseases and conditions such as decrease of vital Qi. Any pathogenic factors will interrupts the pulse conditions. From the pulse reading, we are able to respect the prognosis of the diseases and strength and violent factors. The pulse diagnosis provides the treatment direction for the Chinese medicine practitioners. However, the skill of pulse taking requires extreme technique and practice.

The heart is in charge of blood circulation and pushes the blood flowing all over the body. In TCM, although the heart produce the blood and control the circulation, it still need to coordinated with other internal organs, San Jia, Qi, and Zing- Ye to complete her functions. It frequently see in the most of Text books such as spleen Qi keep blood inside the blood vessels, lung Qi to help the distribution the blood, kidney Qi to supply the original Qi force, liver Qi store the blood and smooth the blood, and pectoral Qi to give the energy to push the blood. The kidney qi also is called Yang Qi which includes the stomach Qi and Zhong Qi. The Yang Qi force the blood through the jing Mai, therefore the pulse beats are created. Jing Mai likes the blood vessels. It also conducts the Qi and blood, which make the blood sufficiently penetrate the entire body. So the Mai Qi produce the pulse beats, the mai Qi are not only replenished by the kidney essence and Qi but also stomach essence and Qi. Jing Mai Qi also are divided into two parts: Ying Qi and Wei Qi. Ying Qi can produces blood, and Zing-Ye. It circulates inside the Jing Mai and nourishes the entire the body. The Wei Qi circulates outside the Jing Mai and protects the whole body such as a function of immune systems. The Ying Qi id Yang and Wei Qi is Yang charactertic.

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Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
acupuncture houston tx - south shepherd clinic

acupuncture houston tx west holcombe clinic

1. South Shepherd Clinic Location:
  2405 South Shepherd @ Westheimer (between Westheimer and Fairview), Houston, TX 77019.
  Tel: 713-529-8332    
Click here for the South Shepherd Clinic location map.

2. West Holcombe Clinic Location:
  2431 West Holcombe @Kirby (between Kirby and Fannin Street), Houston, TX77030.
The clinic is located at the corner of Kirby Drive and next to the Flower Corner.  
  Tel: 713-666-5667    
Click here for the West Holcombe Clinic location map.
                        Back Pain | Neck Pain | Shoulder Pain | Migraine | Headache | TMJ | Arthritis | Sciatica / Pinched Nerve | Tennis Elbow/ Knee pain / Leg  / Heel / Foot Pain|
                        Infertility | Fertility| Male Infertility| IUI / IVF | High FSH | Egg Quality | PMS | Endometriosis | Menopause |Fibroid | Ovarian Cysts | Hormone Imbalance|
                        Stress | Anxiety| Depression | Allergy/Sinus | Insomnia | Diabetes | Hepatitis| Weight Loss | Face Lift | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Quit smoking|
                        Cold/flu/low immune | Irregular Period | Morning Sickness | Trigeminal Neuralgia | Hemorrhoid | High Blood Pressure | IBS | Cancer |
Copyright © Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic, 2405 South Shepherd, Houston, TX 77019, TEL:713-5298332. 2431 West Holcombe BLVD, Houston, TX 77030, TEL: 713-6665667. All rights reserved. No part of this publication protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, without written permission from the copyright owners.
acupuncture houston tx