acupuncture houston tx
Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic
Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic
neck pain acupuncture houston tx


Acupuncture in Houston, TX - Houston Acupuncture & Herb Clinic

2405 South Shepherd, Houston, TX 77019.     TEL: 713-529-8332.

2431 West Holcombe, Houston, TX 77030.     TEL: 713-666-5667. 

We are one of the best, biggest, and oldest acupuncture clinics in Houston area.

                Acupuncture for leg pain, Houston,TX - arthritis, knee pain, joint pain, joint swollen, tendonitis, Diabetes, infertility, fertility, male serm count, poor eggs quality, IVF/IUI, hormonal imbalance, age,  etc.

Acupuncture Houston TX - West Holcombe Clinic Acupuncture Houston TX - South Shepherd Clinic
acupuncture houston tx west holcombe clinic Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic at 2431 West Holcombe, Houston, TX@ the corner of Kirby Drive and next to the Flower Corner. 7136665667 acupuncture houston tx south shepherd dr. clinic Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic at South Shepherd Dr., Houston, TX@ the corner of Westheimer Drive and next to the KFC. This location has been servicing Houston for more than18 years.
Click here for the West Holcombe Clinic location map.
The clinic is located at the corner of Kirby Drive and next to the Flower CornerTEL: 713-666-5667.
Click here for the South Shepherd Clinic location map.
Acupuncture Houston TX-South Shepherd Clinic
TEL: 713-529-8332.

Sports Injury Acupuncture and Chinese medicine help leg pain, arthritis, knee pain, foot pain, joint pain,
joint swollen, tendonitis, neck pain.

  Wen-Lung Wu, M.S., L. Ac., PHD as Doctor of Medicine in China
Jo-Mei Chiang, B.S. L Ac., Master  of Medicine (China)
Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic, Houston, Texas.


From Teresa E.
  I have rheumatoid arthritis and my knee had started swelling and hurting when I walk.  After just one treatment, the pain was significantly less.  After the second treatment, my knee has not bothered me at all.  The swelling in my right hand also goes down dramatically after treatment.

S. R.  Acupuncture disappeared my sports injury - back injury form football.

I have had a football injury from high school for many years. It had been numb since that injury. I came to seek a different alternative because nothing else had work over the years. Dr. Wu gave me a educational treatment along with some back acupuncture. He said I would have to come back to visit one more time, but he fixed it the first visit. I have recommended him to many of my friends and critics. This really worked. Thanks Dr. Wu.


Acupuncture for Sports Injuries


For more than 3 decades Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic has helped both professional athletes and amateurs for all kinds of sports injuries and we are proud of our successful results. 

Followings are most common seen sport injuries could be helped greatly by acupuncture and Chinese medicine:

Muscle Pain:   back pain, low back pain, upper back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, fibromyalgia.
Nerve pain:     pinched nerve pain, sciatica pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, scoliosis, herniated disc, bulging disc, shingles, gout.
                      degenerated disc, cervical nerve pain, tingling, numbness.

Arthritis pain:   rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, arthritis keen pain, arthritis hand pain, arthritis joint pain, hip pain, ankle pain, foot pain,  
                       wrist pain, psoriatic arthritis, septic arthritis, gouty arthritis.

Pain from injury: whiplash, fracture, stress fracture, torn ligament, torn tendon, pulled muscle, joint dislocation, torn cartilage,

Tendinitis:       rotator cuff pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, trigger finger, bursitis, inflammation of tendon, Achilles tendonitis.

Bone spurs:     Plantar fasciitis, heel spurs (heel pain), foot spurs ( foot pain), back spurs.bunions, hammer toes, flat feet (fallen arches)          
                       callus or corns, plantar warts.

Acupuncture is being widely adopted to treat sports injuries. It is also recognized as an effective method for sports injury.  Instead of using pain medicine, acupuncture naturally increases the body healing power to relieve the pain and reduce the inflammation instantly.  In ancient Chinese medicine, acupuncture simply can increase the circulation to open the channels.

Bruises, sprains, strains, or some stress fractures are commonly seen in the sports injuries. With acupuncture and Chinese medicine, varieties of sports injuries can be successfully helped in professional athletes, ballerinas, dancers, trainers, performers, martial artists, and ammeter athletes.

The results of acupuncture for sports injuries are highly satisfied for pain relief, decrease of inflammation, reduce bruising, stiffness, and speed up the recover. More and more professional sports teams are offering acupuncture for both injury treatment and prevention of injury.  Some teams even hire acupuncturists on board to maintain the performance at the peak level. Not only the injuries from the sports, the injuries from working, overuse, trauma and arthritis are also can be benefit tremendously from acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

Acupuncture first can regulate the disruption of qi and blood in the injured areas especially for the pulled or torn muscle, acupuncture sometimes plus electrical stimulation could quickly restore the majority muscle tone and functions.  Second, acupuncture treatments can instantly increase the body flow such as qi, blood, mist to nourish the strained areas which would eliminate the further deterioration.  Third, acupuncture is a wonder for the old injuries.  Mostly old injuries involved qi and blood stagnation or even stasis, besides increasing the body flows to break through the stagnation, at the same time acupuncture could replenish the tissues for the repair and restoration. 

It is not strange that most of sports injury patients could receive an immediate improvement during the acupuncture treatment.


Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
acupuncture houston tx - south shepherd clinic

acupuncture houston tx west holcombe clinic

1. South Shepherd Clinic Location:
  2405 South Shepherd @ Westheimer (between Westheimer and Fairview), Houston, TX 77019.
  Tel: 713-529-8332    
Click here for the South Shepherd Clinic location map.

2. West Holcombe Clinic Location:
  2431 West Holcombe @Kirby (between Kirby and Fannin Street), Houston, TX77030.
The clinic is located at the corner of Kirby Drive and next to the Flower Corner.
  Tel: 713-666-5667    
Click here for the West Holcombe Clinic location map.

                        Back Pain | Neck Pain | Shoulder Pain | Migraine | Headache | TMJ | Arthritis | Sciatica / Pinched Nerve | Tennis Elbow/ Knee pain / Leg  / Heel / Foot Pain|
                        Infertility | Fertility| Male Infertility| IUI / IVF | High FSH | Egg Quality | PMS | Endometriosis | Menopause |Fibroid | Ovarian Cysts | Hormone Imbalance|
                        Stress | Anxiety| Depression | Allergy/Sinus | Insomnia | Diabetes | Hepatitis| Weight Loss | Face Lift | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Quit smoking|
                        Cold/flu/low immune | Irregular Period | Morning Sickness | Trigeminal Neuralgia | Hemorrhoid | High Blood Pressure | IBS | Cancer |
Copyright © Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic, 2405 South Shepherd, Houston, TX 77019, TEL:713-5298332. 2431 West Holcombe BLVD, Houston, TX 77030, TEL: 713-6665667. All rights reserved. No part of this publication protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, without written permission from the copyright owners.