acupuncture houston tx
Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic
Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic
acupuncture back pain houston tx
                        Back Pain | Neck Pain | Shoulder Pain | Migraine | Headache | TMJ | Arthritis | Sciatica / Pinched Nerve | Tennis Elbow/ Knee pain /Leg / Heel / Foot /wrist Pain|
                        Infertility | Fertility| Male Infertility| IUI / IVF | High FSH | Egg Quality | PMS | Endometriosis | Menopause |Fibroid | Ovarian Cysts | Hormone Imbalance|
                        Stress | Anxiety| Depression | Allergy/Sinus | Insomnia | Diabetes | Hepatitis| Weight Loss | Face Lift | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Quit smoking|
                        Cold/flu/low immune | Irregular Period | Morning Sickness | Trigeminal Neuralgia | Hemorrhoid | High Blood Pressure | IBS | Cancer |

acupuncture houston txAcupuncture in Houston, TX - Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic, PLLC is located at 2405 South Shepherd, Houston, TX 77019, Tel#: 713-5298332 and 2431 West Holcombe( ***at the corner of Kirby drive and next to the Flower Corner), Houston, TX 77030, TEL: 713-6665667.  We are one of the oldest and best acupuncture and herb Clinics in Houston, Texas. Acupuncturists, Wen-Lung Wu, PhD and Jo-Mei (Jannie) Chiang, have provided acupuncture and Chinese herb services in Houston, TX since 1988 and our practitioners have over 30 years clinical experiences in acupuncture and Chinese medicine. We use only brand-new pre-sterilized, one time use disposable needles.

Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic, PLLC combines the classics of healing arts: acupuncture, Chinese herb medicine, alternative medicine, acupuncture meridian heat treatment, ear acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, three-edged needle acupuncture, intra-dermal needle acupuncture, facial acupuncture, ankle acupuncture, hand acupuncture, Tong's acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, acupressure, reflexology, and acupuncture meditation as a means of healing ailments such as low back pain, infertility/fertility, IUI  / IVF, allergy, sinus headache, ear/sinus congestion, neck and shoulder pain, PMS, premenstrual tension syndrome, depression, endometriosis, migraine headache, stress/ADD/ADHD, anxiety, insomnia, weight loss, face lift, cancer, IBS, quit smoking, pain, PCOS, back pain, sciatic nerve pain, fibroid, aging, scapular back pain, panic attack, hepatitis, infertility, male infertility, menopause, high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, plantar fasciitis, heel pain, leg pain, breech baby, etc. as well as maintaining human health in harmony with the environment. Within that framework, we focus on assisting patients on the path to wellness by exemplifying the care and compassion that is needed and should be expected by all health-care consumers.


The following conditions that we treat at the Acupuncture Houston TX - Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic, PLLC are:

  • Pain, low back pain (lumbago), neck pain, back pain, hand tingling, shoulder pain, migraine, headache, pinched nerve, leg pain,  frozen shoulder, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, migraine headache, bone spurs, sciatica, fibromyalgia, heel pain, foot and ankle painacupuncture houston tx south shepherd clinic, scoliosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, Bell's palsy, herniated disc, tremors, tennis elbow, TMJ (Temporomandibular joint disorders), peripheral neuropathy, muscle spasm, degenerative joint diseases, pharyngitis, arm pain, leg pain, MS, rotator cuff pain, golf elbow, postoperative pain, bulging disc, hand swelling, cluster headache, tension headache, blurred vision, tendonitis, floaters, sprain, bursitis, whiplash pain, plantar fasciitis, facial paralysis, meniere's syndrome, pain from tooth extraction, gingivitis, upper back pain, neck pain and shoulder pain, wrist pain, heel pain, ankle pain
  • Infertility, fertility, IVF / IUI acupuncture, PMS, endometriosis,  breech baby or breech pregnancy, acupuncture turning breech baby, morning sickness, ovarian cyst, male infertility, egg quality, age infertility, infertility/fertility stress, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) imbalance, fertility diet, uterine fibroids, amenorrhea, Pap-smear side effect,  hormone imbalance, menstrual disorders, fibroid, polycystic ovaries, impotence, low sperm count, hormone imbalance, menopausal symptoms, dysmenorrhea, prostate enlargement, prostatitis, breast lump, hot flush/flashes, pelvic inflammatory disease, PID, night sweats, estrogen /progesterone imbalance, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual irregularities, Luteinizing hormone (LH), menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, fallopian tube block, pregnancy, miscarriage, alternative medicine, uterine bleeding, urinary incontinence, gynecology, pelvic adhesions, BBT, GIFT, ZIFT, FET, ICSI, reproductive diseases, reproduction, ovary problem, libido, premenstrual tension, endocrine disorder, uterus tumor, irregular periods, mastalgia, painful menses, uterine prolapse, frequent urination, painful menstruation, irregular period ( cycle), fallopian tube blockage, night sweats, mood swings, face lift.
  • Stress, depression, anxiety, insomnia, dizziness, vertigo, sleep disorders, anxiety and depression, vomiting, trigeminal neuralgia, immunology, panic attack.
  • acupuncture houston tx weight lossWeight loss, fatigue, body rejuvenation, stop / quit smoking, addiction, drinking cessation, body cleansing, prostate enlargement / disorders/swollen, fibromyalgia, sugar craving/ addiction, substance addiction, food addiction.
  • Allergy, sinus infection, hay fever, bronchitis, asthma, cough, pneumonia, post-nasal drip, sinus congestion, chronic obstructive Diabetes, high/low blood sugar, diabetes type 1, diabetes type 2, chest pain, insulin dependent supportive treatment, heart failure, hypoglycemia, endocrine disorders, stomach gas, stomach ulcer, gastric ulcer, chronic diarrhea, ulcerative colitis, chronic colitis,
  • High blood pressure, low blood pressure, hardening/arthrosclerosis of the arteries, stroke rehabilitation, high cholesterol, numbness, paralysis, thyroid disorders, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, angina, hypertension, palpitation, congestive heart failure, flutters, prostatic hyperplasia, chronic prostatitis, chronic bladder infection.
  • pulmonary disease (COPD), sinusitis, infections, coughing, shortness of breath, anorexia, snoring, ear infection, sore throat, tinnitus, autoimmune disorders, poor circulation, wheezing, tremor, cold and Flu.
  • Cancer supportive treatment, breast cancer, side effects of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, lupus, low immune system, low energy,  enhancement, CFS, liver cancer, lung cancer, malignant/benign lymphoma, leukemia, sports injuries, neuropathy.
  • Acne, facial rejuvenation, face lift, psoriasis, hives, aging, rash, hair loss, edema, bladder infection, eczema, wrinkle.
  • Hepatitis A, B, C, hemorrhoid, irritable bowel syndrome( IBS), constipation, Crohn's, colitis, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, colitis, gastritis, gas and bloating, acid reflux, heartburn, bloating, indigestion, rhinitis, auto immune diseases, gallbladder stones, , esophageal/ GI disorders, SLE.
  • ADD( Attention Deficit Disorder ), ADHD (Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder), fatigue and low energy, eating disorders.
Acupuncture Houston TX -West Holcombe Clinic Acupuncture Houston, TX-South Shepherd Clinic
acupuncture houston tx west holcombe clinic Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic at 2431 West Holcombe, Houston, TX. @ the corner of Kirby Drive and next to the Flower Corner.
acupuncture houston tx south shepherd dr. clinic Acupuncture Houston TX - Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic at South Shepherd Dr., Houston, TX. @ the corner of Westheimer Drive. This location has been servicing Houston for more than18 years.
 TEL: 713-666-5667     . Click here for the location map TEL: 713-529-8332.    Click here for the location map
             Acupuncture, Houston, TX  for infertility, back pain, PMS, menopause, stress, allergy, migraine headache, endometriosis, neck/shoulder pain, smoking, weight, IVF/IUI, TMJ, tendonitis, arthritis,  depression, anxiety, insomnia,  face lift, quit smoking, etc. One of the oldest and best acupuncture clinics in Houston, TX

Testimonial:        Bill C.   Severe hip and back pain.           
Came to Dr. Wu with severe back pain problems and right hip post-operated acupuncture houston clinicscomplications. The pain was so severe. I was having to wear high dosage pain patch to enable me to function. After 4 acupuncture treatments, I am now completely free of ALL back pain and hip pain. The only problem I have now is working all of the medication out of my system.

The staff acupuncturists; Wen-Lung Wu and Jo-Mei Chiang, are the founders of the acupuncture clinics and are licensed by the Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners as Acupuncturists.           

With more than thirty-one years of practice in Acupuncture and Chinese herb medicine, our acupuncturists have dedicated their lives to understanding and promoting health care and healing with their main focus always being centered on the well being of our patients. The staff acupuncturists, Wu and Chiang, provide such services to the public with the utmost quality.


acupuncture houston txIt is the special mission of the Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic, PLLC to consistently apply both the classic and modern knowledge of Chinese medicine and Acupuncture sciences to restore the health of our patients, as well as to maintain their health once they are well. We achieve these goals by focusing over 30 years of medical knowledge to assist in mobilizing the body's natural ability to heal.                   

Our acupuncturists continue to advance their understanding and knowledge of Western Medicine, Acupuncture, and Traditional Chinese Medicine through ongoing involvement in the medical community and continuing education and research.     

Given our primary focus on each individual's well being, it is not surprising that our patients convey such high regard and appreciation for our acupuncture practitioners and the care that we provide. Having thousands of successful cases over the past 20+ years, we have included several patient testimonials as evidence of our outstanding history.


Acupuncture Houston - Testimonials of the month:

Tanya E.     Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine reduce my ovarian cyst from 5 cm to 1 cm in six days!

I had been having problems with ovarian cysts for almost a year when I first came to see Dr. Wu. I had surgery about 5 months before to remove a 4 cm cyst and scar tissue. Since the surgery, I had had an ultrasound done once a month and every time had a 4-5 cm cyst on one ovary and a smaller one on the other ovary. The pain was waking me up at night regularly and interfering with work and my normal life as mother and wife. The gynecologist was having me try different birth controls thinking the hormone level might make a difference in the production of cysts. In the meantime, she sent me to a pain management doctor for pain medications to help with the pain. Acupuncture had been mentioned to me once as a possibility through an acquaintance. I had never used acupuncture before so I wanted to do some research. I searched around on the internet and found out that it would treat the cause not just the symptom �V which is a big plus for me. Then, I talked to some people I work with and people I knew who had acupuncture done. Some used it for back pain and others for allergies, infertility,acupuncture houston tx fertility colds and other stuff. Everyone I talked to swore by it. They said it was great and that the herbs were so much easier on your body than the medications. I decided to set up an appointment. I hadn��t had an ultrasound in a few weeks, but after having the pain for a year, I knew I was having a rather large cyst on one side by the amount of pain that morning and the night before. My husband went with me and talked to Dr. Wu about the problem I was having. Dr. Wu started the acupuncture and before he had put all the needles in �V I could feel the difference �V the pain had lessened already. When he was done, more than 75% of the pain was gone!!! I was sore where the pain had been. He gave me some herbs to take and asked me to come back a few days later. The follow-up visit we did the acupuncture only. I was still sore and the pain that had remained after the first visit seemed to have gone away. After the follow-up, most of the soreness was relieved. I went to the gynecologist between the second and third follow-ups. They did a ultrasound and found that I still had cysts, but they were barely 1 cm which they aren��t considered cysts until they are 1 cm or larger. By the third visit with Dr. Wu, almost all of the soreness was gone and no pain.

S. B.   Acupuncture helped the IVF and gives me two lovely children.

I have infertility problems for over 10 years.  I was hospitalized for endometriosis and fibroids with for different surgeries.  My uterus was very scarred and I had an endocrine disorder. With years of trying to get pregnant I was encouraged to do In Vitro.  My hormone levels would not get to the proper levels. The only way the IVF would work is if I added alternative medicine.  I decided to try acupuncture.  I used acupuncture during my IVF cycle for both pregnancies and it allowed the hormone levels to be in range for doctor specifications.  It also helped blood flow for implantation of the eggs.  I have 2 children now, a boy and girl and never been happier in my life to accomplish the biggest goal I ever dreamed.  My last child is 8 weeks old born on 8-22-07.  Thank you Acupuncturist Chiang for all your help.

Beth T.   Acupuncture help my neck pain, TMJ, etc.

I have suffered with 2 inflamed discs in my neck for over 4 years (per multiple MRI��s).  I��ve worked with  a neurologist to alleviate the acupuncture houston tx infertility inflammation (with pills that make me sick, cortisone shots, exercises & therapy) these have all been temporary fixes & I have no more sick time from work or $$ for the forever visits & treatments.  Finally, I gave acupuncture a try �V I was willing to do anything.  I am shocked & pleased to write IT WORKS!!!  I��ve had just 3 treatments & feel 99.9% better!!!  I casually mentioned to Dr. Wu that I had TMJ (years of pain, I��ve tried the night guard with no help) & he treated my jaw while treating my neck & I woke up this morning PAIN FREE.  I have cracked my jaw every morning for years.  I will continue to see Dr. Wu & am a true believer in acupuncture.  Thank you Dr. Wu �V I have never felt better. 

M.D.  Acupuncture helps me get rid of drug addiction.

Dr. Wu is amazing! After suffering from anti-depressant medications withdrawals, I sought relief through acupuncture. I felt immediately a major difference in my headache, nausea, dizziness, and insomnia. I will definitely recommend Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic to many, many peoples.

L. O.   Acupuncture helps my knees and feet tremendously.

Before moving to Houston in the summer of Aug. 07 from California, I has been experiencing pain at the bottom of my feet and in my knees for some time. I had X rays taken on my feet to rule out heel spurs and on my knees to fule out any possible injuries. Since both X rays came back negative, I figured that it had to be my weight as the main factor to all the pain I��ve been experiencing.
I didn��t want to continue pain medicines due your body building up a tolerance for medication and I definitely did not want to go under the knife for any surgery to help me get out of the rut I was in. Then a relative of mine out in California, told me to take a more holistic approach to my ailments and try acupuncture. When I did my research on the Chinese medicine and found licensed acupuncturist Jo-Mei Chiang.
Since going to Jo-Mei (Jannie), she had made me feel at ease with this type of procedure just with the first visit. After the first session, the bottom of my feet no longer ached and by the third session my knees were feeling much better and I lost 3 Lbs within the first week. It��s also helped me to meditate. Because of Jannie��s expertise in the Chinese medicine, I��ve become a firm believer that acupuncture really works.

Emily D     acupuncture and herbs resolved my imbalance hormone conditions.

I have female hormone imbalance issues and have been going to endocrinologist for years. My last period last 3 weeks so he put me on Provera, which is synthetic progesterone. It sent me into a deep depression accompanied by symptoms of menopausal syndrome such as insomnia, abdominal cramps, and uncontrollable crying, almost every morning after waking up. I can cry one to 2 hours. I also lost my appetite a lot. Immediately after the initial acupuncture treatment, my depression and abdominal cramps have improved enormously.  I took my herbs religiously and now feel incredibly better.  After a week, No more crying, no more hot flash, no more medication, no more depression,  my appetite is back and most important I feel healthier from the inside out.

Bill C.   Acupuncture helps my severe hip and back pain.

Came to Dr. Wu with severe back pain problems and right hip post-operated complications. The pain was so severe. I was having to wear high dosage pain patch to enable me to function. After 4 acupuncture treatments, I am now completely free of ALL back pain and hip pain. The only problem I have now is working all of the medication out of my system.

G.  P.  Acupuncture and Chinese medicine help my diabetes and high blood pressure.

I see Dr. Wu because my high blood pressure and diabetes. My blood pressure always higher than 210/128 even I am taking many highacupuncture houston tx west holcombe clinic blood pressure medicine at once such as Aldactazide 50/50, Bisoprolol/HCTZ 10mg/6.25mg, Actoplus  Met 15/850. My blood sugar still over 300 even I take the medication. I went to Dr Wu. He gave me acupuncture and his special made herb formula. After 3 weeks, my blood pressure drop to 120/70 and my blood sugar drop down to 200. I used to very sleepy during the day, now I am not feel sleepy at all. I feel much better. I feel a lot of energy. Thank you Dr. Wu.

Pernelle H.     Acupuncture and Chinese medicine help my endometriosis and uterine fibroids.

Since I was diagnosed in 2000 with Endometriosis and uterine fibroids. I had very often pain in my lower back as well as occasional pain in my abdomen. I was told my doctor that was something I had to live with. I cam to see doctor Wu because I felt tired and immune system is very low. I wasn't sure what to expect from acupuncture but have to say it has more than exceeded my expectations. I feel better than I have for years. More energy, no more pain! I would strongly recommend to try it. I have been recommending it to family and friends.

I work as a nurse at Texas Medical Center in Houston.

Six years ago I had contracted Mono while taking care of my patient who was active and contagious. Although I was completely recovered. But recently I started to have multiple joint pains. My knees and every digits in my hands and feet are swollen and painful. I am very difficult to close my hands and bend my knees. I have tried many different doctors but it did not resolve my problems. I also tried homeopathic doctor but the result was very slow progress. For more than six weeks, I was in extreme pain which caused me unable to walk, sit or get up. One of my friend suggested Dr. Wu. He treated me with acupuncture and herb treatment. Within 2 days, I have felt such relief. Only mild pain is left now. I am back to the clinic today for my follow-up visit. Hopefully the symptoms will completely restore after today.

Read more articles to understand how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help.

Acupuncture Clinical clean needle technique and preparation at page Acupuncture Houston, TX

Welcome to take the first test of acupuncture and Chinese medicine at page of Acupuncture, clinic,  Houston, TX,

Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture diagnosis methods at page Acupuncture at Houston, TX

Welcome to take the third test of triple burner acupuncture points at page of Houston Acupuncture, TX.

Office Hour:

Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Acupuncture near Houston, TX

Please view our acupuncturists.

Welcome to take a test of acupuncture points at the page of Acupuncture, Houston, TX.

Welcome to take the second test of pericardium acupuncture points at the page of Acupuncture in Houston, TX


acupuncture houston tx south shepherd clinic 1. Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic- South Shepherd Clinic:
     2405 South Shepherd @ Westheimer (between Westheimer and Fairview), Houston, TX  77019.
Tel: 713-529-8332    
Click here for the location map
acupuncture houston tx west holcombe clinic
2. Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic- West Holcombe Clinic:   
     2431 West Holcombe @Kirby (between Kirby and Fannin Street), Houston, TX 77030.
Tel: 713-666-5667    
     The clinic is located at the corner of Kirby Drive and next to the Flower Corner.
Click here for the location map.

Other patients' testimonials:

V. Sc.   I was diagnosed with a brain tumor in July of 2000.  Acupuncture cured my headache.

I was diagnosed with a brain tumor in July of 2000. I had awful headaches that started in the morning and lasted all day. I was able to sleep only after taking sleeping pills, and then only for a few hours at a time. I was seen at the Mayo Clinic, Duke University and Northwestern and acupuncture book published by wu and chiangeveryone told me that I would have to live with my headaches, there was nothing that could be done. In September of 2003 I came to Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic to see Dr. Wu with no expectations, only hope. He told me if he could cure my headaches in three minutes with acupuncture treatment, and that there was hope for reducing the size of my brain tumor. 

He did cure my headaches with acupuncture. I no longer have them. Also, when I went back to MD Anderson for a recheck and MRI, they told me that the size of the tumor had gotten smaller. 

I am a living testimony of the skill of Dr. Wu.

From Larry G.       I have a tumor on my liver.  I have now been diagnosed as terminal.

I have a tennis ball size of tumor on my liver. I have had two operations to have it removed with on success. I have now been diagnosed as terminal. I was experiencing severe pain in my back & side due to the tumor. Since coming to Dr. Wu, the pain has reduced by more than 50%. I have regained my appetite and can now rest comfortably at night. Dr. Wu is also helping with other symptoms with herbal treatments. With Dr. Wu's help and many prayers. I hope to recover fully.

From M. T.  Over 20 yeas this is the first time that I have been pain free for my back because of the acupuncture treatments.

I have had chronic back pain for over 20 years.  I am a hair colorist and I stand on my feet an average of 8 to 10 hours a day.  I was not even able to bend over and touch my toes.  Many mornings my back pain woke me up.  I searched and searched on the inter net and found Houston Acupuncture Clinic. I have been seeing Jannie Chiang for 3 months and this is the first time that I have been pain. She is amazing! She is a great listener as far as trying to find cause of pain and treat it.  I highly recommend her!

From Katherine C.     Acupuncture stops my exclusive pain due to rupture ovarian cysts

Before I came I had severe pain in my side and back of low abdominal area. Some days the pain would go to my legs and it would hurt so much and make me crying. I have ovarian cysts in my right ovary. My Dr. puts me on hormonal treatment for 3 months. Suddenly one day, my ovarian cyst had ruptured and it was extremely pain. I went to emergency room but the medications didn't work at all. The medications just made me very sleep. My Mom called Dr. Wu. Dr. Wu gave me few acupuncture needles and the pain immediately reduce down to 90%. After two treatments of acupuncture. Now I have no pain what so-ever. I have more energy than I've ever had and I feel ever better than before. Thank you.

From B.A.      Infertility is no longer a big stress for both my husband and me.

The irregular menstrual cycle was the major cause for the infertility.  I tried several months of hormone medicines, but the condition still did not improve.  Acupuncturist Chiang was highly recommended to me by several sources.  She instructed me how to eat right, and how to record my temperature.  With her magical treatments, in one month I got pregnant. I had a beautiful daughter and then I tried the acupuncture and herb treatments for the second one.  Of course, in one month of treatments, I became pregnant again the second time. The acupuncture successfully helped my pregnancy and reduced my stress.  I greatly appreciate my wonderful acupuncturist, Jo-Mei Chiang.  What she gave me are the two precious princesses.

From Elly T.     I am pregnant in one month! Acupuncture works!


 My husband and I had been trying for a baby for ten months. I did pregnant once before but the baby did not develop beyond five weeks. I decided to try acupuncture within one month of treatment with herbs by Dr. Wu. I was pregnant! So far, everything is well. We have had a scan and seen a strong heart beat! Thank you Dr. Wu! I will continue to receive acupuncture to encourage a healthy and strong baby!


From A.B.   Hepatitis C- acupuncture and Chinese medicine saved my liver from hepatitis C.


In 1997 I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. At that time after an ultra sound, biopsy and blood work. I was told that my liver was enlarged, my bilirubin was seriously out of range and my AST and ALT's were up in the range of 800. The medicine that was being used at that time did not have a very good success rate especially for the genotype (strain of the virus) I had.  
I made what I consider a very wise choice. I went to the Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic and started acupuncture in combination with herbs. Since that time my bilirubin has been in the normal range. My liver is in the normal size compared to the original ultra sound, indicating that my liver is not swelling. My AST and ALT are close to normal considering the fact that the Hepatitis C virus constantly attacks and killsacupuncture houston tx shepherd clinic liver cells and my genotype is the most aggressive of the Hepatitis C strains.  
About 6 months ago my doctor suggested that I start the Interferon Ribavirin protocol, since the success rates have been higher with the combined therapy. If one is inclined to start this treatment I highly recommend it in combination with acupuncture and herbs. This is what I did and it was instrumental in getting through the side effects, which included rash, anemia, lack of concentration and more.  
Recently I stopped the Interferon because it was not working for me. I have continued going to the clinic and getting herbs for me based on my blood work results. In only two weeks I am my old energetic self. I cannot say how highly I recommend the clinic. It is a highly educated clinic and in my opinion does a great job in the healing process whatever it may be for you.  


From I.  Roman      Acupuncture helps my child's OCD and PDD.


I brought my son to the Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic because my son was taking two medications for OCD and PDD behaviors. I was worried about the side effects of the prescribed drug and I decided to try this alternative medicine. Now, he is doing wonderful with one medication. Last week his teacher told me he is putting attention in school's activities. Also our relationship is less stressful. Acupuncture has also improved my moods management and my joints pain. We came here once a week and this part of our life routine now.

James  C. written for his wife Shirley C.     Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs help my wife's diabetes, cancer, post-surgery, etc.

My wife Shirley had severe conditions in the past from severe to critical conditions such as mitral valve prolepses, surgery of heart, breast cancer, breast surgical removal, diabetes, and now the latest malfunctioning kidneys. She found out about Houston acupuncture and Dr. Wu  15 years ago. It has been unbelievable how much the herbs and advice from Dr. Wu has helped her. It seems that when she has to go into the hospital from any illness she gets worst, but immediately after coming out and start to the herbs from Dr. Wu. She instantly gets better. Over the years, Dr. Wu has provided miracle for us and we thank him very much. Thanks for all your help. Dr. Wu has blessing from the almighty.

From Angie S.   Acupuncture for depression, IBS, menopausal syndrome, liver enzymes, high cholesterol and fatigue.

My name is Angie.  For the last few years I suffered with severe depression, IBS, menopause (due to a complete hysterectomy). I was taking HRT and antidepressants for ten years before I started developing symptoms that included hypertension, high cholesterol and severe fatigue, a combination of hot flashes, cold flashes, hot sweats and cold sweats.  I found my self sleeping a lot during the day (about 4 hours).  acupuncture houston tx clinic libraryMy short naps turned into four or five hour naps.  I could no longer home school my grandbaby or do the everyday work or chores I normally did.  The doctors said I had a fatty liver and they took me off HRT and told me to lose weight (within a year I gained 40 lbs.).  For any one that has had these symptoms you can imagine the frustration and feelings of defeat I felt not being able to do for myself or my loved ones. My daughter had been researching acupuncture and made an appointment for me with Dr. Wu.  I saw my medical doctor last Friday to get the results from my last blood work and he was amazed at my levels. My doctor even asks ��Is that your blood report? What do you do recently? I told him I went to acupuncturist.  In one month of treatments with Dr. Wu, my liver enzyme levels are practically back to normal (before was 128 now is 48, the other enzyme # even drop down to 20) and my cholesterol level dropped almost 90 points (from 260 to 175).  I have lost three pounds and my energy level is returning to normal.   I have been able to cut my antidepressant dosage in half and have resumed my schedule of being wife, mother, grandmother, teacher and picking up on any chore that my family forgets to do. Thank you Dr. Wu for giving me my life back!

Nancy C.     Christian K., my grandson aged 11, developed a severe headache on April 25, 2007. 

Christian K., my grandson aged 11, developed a severe headache on April 25, 2007.  His is parents took him to a variety of doctors, pediatricians, and neurologists in the Cypress/Tomball area.  Christian received no relief and his parents were given no definite answers.  Finally, at the end of May, they took him to Texas Children��s Hospital.  The doctors there diagnosed ��Chronic Daily Headache�� and told Christian and his parents that there was no cure and that Christian would just have to ��tough it out��.   The doctors told him to go to school, and when the pain became too severe, to go home.  No medicine would help, no therapy would help.  There was no answer. It was a difficult thing to watch a child suffer endless hours of pain.  At this point, Christian had had a severe daily headache for over six weeks.  I could not believe that nothing could be done for my grandson.  With his parents�� permission, I took Christian to see Dr. Wu of the Houston Acupuncture & Herb Clinic.  Using acupuncture as a diagnostic tool, Dr. Wu quickly stated that he believed the pain was radiating from nerves in Christian��s jaw. Christian��s mother was skeptical because nothing in her research even suggested anything related to the mouth.  After Dr. Wu��s diagnosis I took Christian to a dentist who specializes in TMJ, Dr. George Sayre. Dr. Sayre took on the challenge. It required several appointments, three mouth guards and 4 weeks for Christian to be finally pain free.  He was in constant migraine-level pain for a total of 10 weeks. I am grateful to Dr. Wu for his diagnosis.  Without it, Christian would probably still be suffering.

From Tinker P.     Acupuncture and Chinese herb help my allergies, my dog and my husband's frozen shoulder.

My name is Tinker and I am a 57 year old female with allergies.  I experienced minimal allergies as a child including some sinus headaches when growing up in Houston.  My husband and I moved from Houston in early 1990.  We returned to Houston in 2002.  My allergies seemed to increase in intensity each time I drove into Houston.  After working with an ENT (who was terrific) including sinus surgery, he recommended I try allergy specialists.  I am currently being treated by a large allergy clinic in Houston and have been on allergy shots for approximately a year.  After months of allergy shots I suggested trying acupuncture.  The doctor prescribing and monitoring my allergies and related shots agreed that this added approach may be of benefit.  I have a close friend who is Chinese and she had a friend who recommended Dr. Wu.  Dr. Wu listened to the changes in my condition and adjusted the herbs accordingly.  In the last month I have taken no prescription medications.  I can now sleep through the night and breathe well.  The combination of treatments, including removal of the carpet in our home, has been very successful.  I believe the acupuncture and herbs were critical to my improvements.  I am continuing my shots.  Before seeing Dr. Wu I was prescribed a nasal steroid.  After use of this medication I have lost my sense of smell.  Once I realized this change I stopped the medication immediately.  During the last week I have had some indication that I may be regaining my sense of smell. Dr. Wu has also treated our ��found�� dog, Sassy Anne, for ��Houston allergies�� and related itching.  She takes two herbs twice a day and the itching is under control. When my husband Andy, age 64, found out he needed to have rotator cuff surgery we were concerned because we knew of several people that suffered or died as a result of staff infections diagnosed just after surgery.  We sought Dr. Wu��s input.  He recommended acupuncture and herbs to not only boost Andy immune system but aide healing.  Andy began treatments two weeks prior to the surgery.  He saw Dr. Wu the day after surgery and is continuing treatments once a week during the rehabilitation period.  The surgeon and nurse were amazed at Andy��s progress.  They did not remover ever seeing any surgical site so well healed in such a short period of time.  While Andy has never had rotator cuff surgery before, we believe his pain was greatly reduced based on comments from others who have had this surgery.  Andy tear was approximately 3 cm  (???) and could not heal with just acupuncture and herbs alone.

From Melinda. F.     Acupuncture helps my knee pain and ankle injury.

I came to Dr. Wu with primary complaint of knee problems. My knee had been painful and swollen for about three months. I was in the process of getting new orthodics for my shoes. While waiting for the orthodics, we took a trip overseas which involved an entire week ofacupuncture houston tx west holcombe clinic sign extensive walking. I know that my gait was different without my orthodics, and this is what I attributed my knee pain too. When I returned home in March I expected the knee to get better since I was not walking on it as much. I tried to rest, elevate and ice it. I got my new orthodics. .I like to be active and do not sit down much during the day. I went to doctor for X-Ray. They found out my both knees of cartilage are gone. The pain was interfering with my exercise, but also was an irritant in my daily activities. I felt pain if I was standing or walking a lot. I had another summer trip planned and knew I needed to ��fix my knee��. I decided to try acupuncture with Dr. Wu. I was immediately impressed. I freely tell my friends I am getting acupuncture and that Dr. Wu has been great. I have been coming twice a week for a few weeks. I am also taking the herbs. I am so very pleased with the results. I am not worried about my ability to enjoy my summer vacation. I believe that I will be able to walk as much as I want to and explore wherever we go. I have become such a acupuncture believer in Dr Wu��s treatment that I brought my 14 year old son. My son tore a ligament in his ankle three months after fracturing the same ankle earlier. We came one day after the injury with swollen and bruise. The results of acupuncture have been immediate. My son was a bit reluctant but the results are evident. We want him to be able to walk on our three week trip this summer. In three days the swelling in his ankle went down and he acts as if he has not been injured. I was extremely worried the day this second injury happened as I thought he would not be able to walk as it was injuring the same ankle twice in such a short period of time.

From Jorge P.    Acupuncture and Chinese herb help my fatigue, back pain, skin infection, and low immune system.

I want to share a brief history of my condition along with the final result at 7 years later with Dr. Wen-Lung Wu. I was involved in a severe accident that almost took my life. My intestines had burst open and I received severe back injuries. After the surgery I was unable to walk for approximately one year. All of the doctors told me to claim disability and I should expect to be disabled for the rest of my life. I over came the walking part with motivation and determination. Because of all the drugs (toxins), pain killers, antibiotics, and countless other drugs prescribed after my surgery, my body overloaded with toxins. Due to these drugs that I took over a period of 3 years my immune system was very weak. I continually would have back pains and periodically would break out with minor skin irritations. This process was a viscous cycle with antibiotics and pain killers that were prescribed. Every time the drugs would finish my body would again break out with skin irritations and the doctors would prescribe a higher dosage along with more pain killers for my back. I finally got serious and determine to fix the cause versus covering the symptoms. With much research I came across the Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic. After my understanding of toxic drugs and proof that they did not work over period of years, I made the best decision ever. I walked in one of there offices explained my situation. They actually took time and examined my entire body took some readings from my pulse and started treatment. I had three treatments spanned over three days apart. The day after the first I had achieved what no doctor has done, pain free, good night sleep, and my skin irritation had instantly vanished. The second visit, I improved even more, greater amount of energy, good night sleep, no pain, skin improving. The third visit, my skin irritations have not appeared great amount of energy, no pain what so ever and I feel like great! I highly recommend to any one that has tried and exhausted every other option, to stop wasting time and have their treatment started with acupuncture. I have recommended this to everyone and anyone that needs help. This experience was great, and I am bringing my son in for treatment of his asthma. Thank you very much for your help, by the way I am finished with western traditional medicine, instead I will keep my body in balance and continue to have future visits with Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic.

From Javier written by his wife Peggy       Acupuncture cures my Bell's palsy.


I have Bell's palsy and it has affected the right side of my face. for those who don't know what bell's palsy is, it paralyzes half of your face. It involves inflammation of the 7th cranial (facial) nerve. Which causes the face to paralyze ( temporary). There are many things that may cause it like a common cold, immunity, autoimmune disorders, etc----. But I heard of acupuncture and researched it on the internet and Dr. Wu is wonderful. He has practicing for many years and is very kind and friendly! all it took was two treatments with Dr. Wu and my face was back to normal. Thanks Dr. Wu.


From R.  Pitoniak       Sever GERD for over 10 years.

Dr. Wu is a person integrity, knowledge, and acute awareness of one's needs. He explains things thoroughly so you have an understanding of how he will be working and what goal he were accomplished. After 10 years of conventional methods and was still in pain and distress of acupuncture houston tx patient treatmnet acid reflux. After the acupuncture procedure and prescribed herbal formulas. I can see a marked improvement in my physical being because now I am able to sleep in bed ( before I always have to sleep in the sofa and never able to lay down). Thank you Dr. Wu for your help and dedication to your patients. You are a Gem!

From Chris S.     Acupuncture helps my morning sickness.

I have a history of getting very sick pregnancy. This time I have a 3 years old at home and I was having a very hard time functioning at home and at work. After only 2 sessions with Dr. Wu. I am feeling almost 80% better. I am telling everyone I know about how wonderful Dr. Wu has been. I was very sick until 16 weeks last pregnancy. Now I feel better and I am only on week 10! I plan on coming back until I am feeling at 100%, which will probably very soon!


From Lori  C.      Acupuncture and Chinese herb medicine make me  pregnant in one month. Yahoo!


After two years of trying to get pregnant, Dr. Wu helped me raise my temperature an d was able to conceive in a few weeks. The acupuncture and herbs are great make you feel real good. I was taking Clomid and doctors said there is nothing wrong with. But acupuncture really does help my pregnant!

From Adrienne         Ear pressure would not go away for over a year and caused hearing loss.

I have had pressure in my head for over a year and a half due to some bad allergy shots. I went to the ear doctors for this problem and the another allergist. Neither were able to help. After coming to Dr. Wu, by my 4th visit I have felt so much better. The relief of the pressure is remarkable. I kick my self for not having come sooner. I can hear again!

From E. F.    Acupuncture help my tendonitis.

When I developed tendonitis in one arm, I suffered through it for several months because I knew a trip to the doctor would end in surgery or other treatments that would jeopardize my career as a writer. But when I developed tendonitis in the other arm, I had to do something, and quick. After talking with several people who I knew to be open-minded about holistic health and non-traditional treatments, I repeatedly heard that acupuncture was worth a shot. Several people told me to "go to the acupuncture place by the wig shop on Shepherd," which I then learned on the internet has a second location just a few blocks from my home near the Texas Medical Center. After the first treatment,
I could tell a remarkable difference. Every-other-day acupuncture for10 days completely changed my circumstances, and I have been 95% pain-free for weeks. I still have periodic acupuncture for the incredible relaxation benefits.

A. H.   Acupuncture and herb treatments tremendously help my monthly cycle and infertility.

Over a year I have taken western medicines for infertility.  I was completely stressed out and exhausted by the procedures. With all the failure results, I decided to use only the natural therapy for it.  After the research I chose Houston Acupuncture Clinic to treat my infertility. Jannie Chiang acquired the detail information from both my husband and I.  Besides the explanation of the treatment plan, she also recommends us the proper diet and the way of stress reduction.  She closely watched my daily basal temperature, and kindly encouraged me all the time.  Because of her full attention, I started to watch my sleeping pattern, eating habit, and all other things in my daily life what I had never paid attention before.  My monthly cycles improved from 2 days to 7 days, from light spotting to 3 days of full amount of bleeding.  I always had low temperature, no wonder no IUI  succeeded before.  After the acupuncture and herb treatments, now my temperature climbs up ideally, the most important thing is my depression and stress all gone.  I really appreciate the acupuncture treatments and my acupuncturist, Acupuncturist Chiang.  She encouraged me and helped me out of the dark period of my life.

From M. W.   Acupuncture helps my Infertility IVF treatments

I was diagnosed with PCOS five years ago.  For the past two years I have been on fertility drugs.  My husband and I tried IVF two months ago.  It was not a success.  The embryos did not develop as they should have and my uterus lining was not ideal. We decided to try IVF one more time with the help of Jannie.  My doctor can��t  believe the difference in this cycle.  Most of my follicles are growing the same rate and my uterus lining is triple the thickness.  My husband and I contribute a lot of the success to Houston Acupuncture and Herb.

From Eric .D.     Acupuncture helps my Crohn's disease and diarrhea.

I came for my acupuncture fertility treatment. After the consultation with Dr. Wu, he told me the Crohn��s disease should be the biggest issue affecting to my fertility problems. He suggested that I should stabilize my diarrhea first by acupuncture, otherwise even I have pregnant, acupuncture houston chinese medicine herb clinicI will still lose the baby because of the malnutrition. It fairly made sense to me. I have had Crohn��s Disease for 12 years and have always had problems with chronic diarrhea (3 to 4 time watery diarrhea daily).  I have been on several medications that would help with the pain, but not with the diarrhea.  I was unable to eat vegetables and felt run down all of the time.  After a just a week of acupuncture with Dr. Wu I noticed a big difference ( only one or two normal bowel movement without diarrhea in a day).  My diarrhea had subsided and I was able to add vegetables back into my diet.  The pain in my abdomen had also subsided.   I haven��t felt this good in 12 years.  I am amazed that acupuncture was able to help my symptoms when traditional medicine couldn��t.  I will keep coming to Dr. Wu for my Crohn��s and will be adding fertility to my acupuncture treatments.

From J. B.    Acupuncture treatments help me rid of frozen shoulder

When I walked into the Houston Acupuncture Clinic that Saturday morning, I could bend my right arm at the elbow and wrist, but could not move my shoulder in any direction without excruciating pain.  For couple months I tried several kinds of medications and adjustments, but my shoulder got worse. Because the pain, I barely slept.  I felt miserable.  It took about 24 hours to begin to feel relief after my first treatment, but after the second treatment, I was well on my way to recovery.  The treatments are virtually painless �V just a pinprick - and were very helpful in relieving the inflammation of my frozen shoulder.  Now after five treatments, I am back to normal.  Acupuncture is the best way to eliminate  my shoulder pain and restore the shoulder��s function. Jannie Chiang��s care and concern was evident in everything she did and said.  Thank you for getting me moving again.

From Lori U.  Acupuncture relieved my TMJ pain, headache and low back pain.

I am a long term sufferer of head and neck pain from TMJ.  I have seen an orthodontist, chiropractor, and massage therapist for quite some time with minimal relief.  I have spent a lot of time, money and energy trying to find an end to the constant headaches.  I have been taking a significant amount of anti-inflammatory medications multiple times daily to manage the pain and discomfort.  At my first visit with Dr. Wu he administered acupuncture treatment and asked me to count to five and tell him what I felt.  There was no pain, no headache!  If it had not experienced the relief for myself, I would not have believed it to be possible!  When you carry a burden for so long sometimes you forget what ��good�� feels like or that is even possible to experience again.   On my second visit I had just hurt my lower back and been in bed for two days unable to place weight on my right side.  I tried heat, ice, & rest.  I already had a scheduled appointment with Dr. Wu so upon my arrival I explained my situation to Dr. Wu and he said no problem.  Thirty minutes later I feel like a new person! Thank you Houston acupuncture and herb clinic, and Dr. Wu.

From Bea A.   Acupuncture helps my migraine headache and stress.

I decided to come see Dr. Wu acupuncture for my stress and migraine headaches that I get frequently. So far I have been feeling allot better instead of taking medicine like Excedrin for headaches and such. When I walk in I feel so tense and stressed and when I walk out I feel so much better. My headache is gone and the tension I had during the day is relieved. By far this is an interesting experience and it has helped me allot.

Acupuncture dropped my blood sugar count from 300 to 200 in one month!

I have on diabetes medicines for several years.  My doctor kept changing the medication to control my blood sugar, but failed.  My blood sugar was almost 400. I felt bad or even terrible with all the medications, and I started to seek other natural ways to deal with diabetes. First, I went to a family doctor believed in vitamins, with his vitamin treatments I got better in other issues but not blood sugar. After one year in acupuncture houston tx waiting roomvitamins and my sugar lever still was around 380- 400. My friends suggested me acupuncture.  I received acupuncture treatment once a week with natural herb too.  I noticed the change in the first week, my sugar level became less and less.  Acupuncturist Chiang closely watched my blood sugar chart, and educated me the proper diet and exercise.  She gave me a guideline on the food choice, and stress reduction.  My body corresponds with her treatments very fast, in one month my blood sugar dropped to 200.  In the past several years, I nerve had my blood sugar that low.  My whole body��s condition dramatically improved, such as more energy, no more insomnia, great mood. I felt confident with her treatments, and I am so happy with the remarkable results.  I wish my testimonial can help more people trying acupuncture and Chinese medicine for all kinds of health issues, instead of depending on the medicines. I��m very lucky to have a highly professional acupuncturist help me, and I recommend her to all the people I met.

Marie from Louisianan       Acupuncture helps my low  back pain


I came here a month and half ago unable to bend or twist with burning pain all the way downing left leg. Today I can not only bend, but I can carry the clothes basket and even lift boxes! I was so afraid that I would never be able to physically work again in my yard and around the house, much less be able to return to employment. western medicine failed me because I had lost my insurance. I have lived with this back and leg pain for 4 years and not the TENS machine, not medicine- nothing gave me back the use of my back and leg until I came here. In six weeks I have returned to a NORMAL LIFE! I can't thank you enough for giving me my life back. Thank you Dr. Wu.


Acupuncture stops my smoking!        Stephanie H.     

You know we all do things we regret when we are young, but little did I know then; I would become a thirty-three year powerless slave to cigarettes.  Through the years I made excuses for why I enjoyed smoking, justified how it was not affecting my health, but secretly, I wanted to quit.  I thought about different programs.  It seemed there were new and improved ways to quit every year.  I tried the Prozac type drug, but it only made me more of an insomniac.  I watched friends chew the nicotine gum, entire packs at a time, while lighting their cigarette as they spoke of how good the gum was.  I watched people apply not one, but two patches as they still lit another cigarette.  I listened to the horror stories about how nicotine was more addictive than heroin.  Fact was, and the one I had to face and overcome, I was afraid to quit.   I bought into the fear.  Fact, my husband of twenty-six years died in October of 2007 from lung cancer.  Fact, I am 48 with two children left to raise.  Fact, every cigarette burned my chest, every night I wheezed myself awake, everyday, I was worried I too would become another smoking statistic.

Three important things have happened in the past week.  I gave up the fear and decided I did not want to smoke anymore.  I choose not to smoke.  After research, I chose the Houston Acupuncture and Herb for my place of healing.  I called the clinic on Holcombe to book an appointment for the next morning.  That night I smoked myself sick, since I wanted to fill myself with reasons why I wanted to quit.  The next morning, I smoked all the way to the clinic. I entered the door to a beautiful, relaxing world.  I was greeted by Jo-Mei my acupuncturists.  She knew right away, I was new.  She was very kind, sincere and knowledgeable as she listened to me profess I wanted help to stop smoking.  I admitted I never tried to quit from fear.  She explained to me what she was going to do: acupuncture three to five treatments, herbal medicine to help calm the mind and heal the lungs, and a bag of roots for the hand mouth boredom smokers experience.  The first treatment was an experience of sensations after the needles were inserted.  After, Jo-Mei urged me to take the herbs prior to leaving the clinic.  I have not smoked since.  Jo-Mei gave me three acupuncture treatments, one on Tuesday, the second on Thursday, the third on Monday; she gave me the herbs for the first week and the last treatment, another course for the next week.  On the second treatment, I was seriously battling my addiction; she advised me to take more of one of the herbals and explained my body was a battle ground.   Currently I am learning how to live without smoking, after over thirty years, I have to learn to do without smoking.  But that is the easy part.  My brain associates everything with a cigarette, but I calmly tell it no, and it says okay.  Thanks to Jo-Mei and her expertise, I am a free woman.  I will return to Jo-Mei and her acupuncture clinic for any future medical care.  Acupuncture works.

From Mary K.    55 years old woman had TMJ, sleep disorder, neck pain, congenital vitamin defect


For many years I have suffered from migraine related to weather changes, vitamins deficiency even thought I take many pharmaceutical grade vitamins, muscle spasms and pain that came and go at will, trembling in my hands and general weakness. I have managed these symptoms with many alternative treatments: weekly massage, vitamins IV therapy, heat therapy, chiropractics, as well as typical medical therapies- muscle relaxers, etc. One month ago some unexpected pain begin in my lower left jaw. I would strike like lightening and put me on my knees on the floor crying helplessly. I went to the dentist who found nothing wrong with my teeth but he wanted to do root canals and extensive work. I could not even bear opening my mouth without pain killers so I told him I would wait until I didn't have such screaming pain. That night I could not sleep from the pain and I decided to look on the internet and searched using " low jars pain Houston doctor". Dr. Wu's Houston acupuncture and Herb Clinic has a testimony was the site from a woman with my same experience who had TMJ. The dentist also want to do many root canals on the teeth. I called Dr. Wu and have been coming for one month, 3 times a week. My jaw no longer has severe pain for a week and now he is also treating my neck because I had an MRI that showed spurs, stenosis, and osteoarthritis in my neck. Until my jaw pain disappeared my life consisted of sleeping to escape the pain all day. Yesterday I was very happy because I felt good enough to baby-sit my granddaughter.


From Jame W.     Acupuncture cleared unknown ear pressure and water in  the ear


I have had sinus and allergy problems for many years. I have used prescription drug most my life for same relief. This summer I went it Scuba Diving, it cause my ear having tremendous pressure and feel water in the ear. It has been the worst since I remember, 3 ear infections, sinusitis, and allergies. I went to many specialists for it. I have spent thousands of dollars on drugs and doctors' visits, antibiotics, allergy medicines, decongestants and steroids. Nothing seems to work anymore until I had first two acupuncture treatments. No more medicines!!  I need more acupuncture treatments to do but I am happy with the results so far. Acupuncture is excellent, quick and painless with result!

From N. M.  Acupuncture corrects my irregular menstruation in one month.

Nine months now since the July I walked in to Acupuncturist Chiang��s clinic and I must admit it��s on of the wise able decision I have made in life.  I have suffered from irregular menstruation and few miner woman��s problems, like PMS, Acupuncturist Chiang��s corrected this.  Acupuncture have been a great help to me and with all personal attention, precise herbal recommendation and above all Acupuncturist Chiang��s professionalism is more thanacupuncture houston tx shepherd clinic meets the eye.  I am truly glad that she is in Houston within my easy reach.  I am going through treatment to have a baby and I have no doubt whatsoever that Acupuncturist Chiang��s knowledge will help me go through this difficult time in my life and will result to pregnancy.

From J. M.   Acupuncture relieved the pain from bone spurs in both feet.

After going to two podiatrists I was told there were multiply problems with both feet �V bone spurs, pinched nerve, etc. It seemed that surgery would be the only solution.  I decided to try acupuncture with Acupuncturist Chiang, I noticed a grate improvement right after the 1st treatment.  After 4 visits I have remarkable progress in both feet.  I can walk with LITTLE TO NO PAIN.

From P. S.    Wonderful Chinese herbs cleared up my allergies.

Acupuncturist Chiang is wonderful.  She is kind, friendly and caring.  I come to her for my allergies.  She and her herbs had me feeling much better within a few days.  I am sending my son to her.  He suffers from allergies too. Now I add my menopause conditions to the treatment as well.

From S.F.   Acupuncture melted my aches and pains.
I've suffered from a soar back, stiff joints and tired muscles for years, which I chalked it up to getting older. Given those aches and pains, I woke up most nights and rarely got a full night of sleep. After my wife started benefiting from acupuncture, her progress was so rapid that I couldn't ignore that there must be something to it. After my first acupuncture, it was hard to believe how much better I felt. I've stayed on a steady course of weekly acupuncture, and I��m no longer plagued by the soreness and stiffness. As an added bonus, Jannie Chiang has been great about working around my schedule.

From S. D.   Acupuncture treatments help my head tremors a great deal.

For 5 years I was suffering from Essential Tremors (head tremors and difficulty with my handwriting), and the medication, Klonopin, my doctor prescribed,  but it didn��t help much.  I wanted to try acupuncture as a last resort.  To my surprise, 8 treatments improved my condition about 85%!  I am very happy with the result.  Thank you Jannie Chiang.

From C. K.   I have immediate improvements for the PMS symptoms from acupuncture..

acupuncture houston tx acupuncture modelI felt results almost immediately!  The acupuncturist, Jannie Chiang, targeted all the problem areas and I feel completely relieved from PMS symptoms that I have suffered for over 20 years. I also thoroughly enjoyed my sessions and the relaxation got me off to a great start for the day.

From V. J.      I have lost a total of 16 pounds with acupuncture and herb treatments in 3 weeks.


I am currently under Acupuncturist Chiang's care for weight loss. Before coming to her for weight loss, it was very difficult for me to lose any weight. I also was very tired and had a strong craving for sugar and junk food. Within 3 week period of acupuncture, herb and a special diet plan. I have seen significant results. I have lost a total 16 pounds! I also have more energy and my desire for sweets and junk food has greatly diminished. everything I tried before coming to her did not work. I am very pleased with my results and I will continue to see Jannie Chang until I have lost all of the weight I wish to lose. I highly recommend her treatment for weight loss. It is excellent and best of all it is natural. Very satisfied patient. V.L.J.


From Claire     Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine help my excessive hand sweating


I was diagnosed with hyperhydrosis of the hands. It was very difficult to go into stressful situations or just to sit around the house without having to wipe my hands off every minutes. I also found I was allergic to the traditional western medicine and the home remedies didn't work. After 3 visits here my hands sweat 90% less than they used to. Dr. Wu's Acupuncture changed my life and social life.


From Judy   D.     Acupuncture helps my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome during the pregnancy.


I am pregnant and my carpal tunnel came back during my pregnancy causing severe numbness in the evening hours. After only six visits I start to feel less numbness and could actually get a full nights sleep once again. Thank you Dr. Wu.


Acupuncture Houston TX - West Holcombe Clinic Acupuncture Houston TX - South Shepherd Clinic
acupuncture for low back pain Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic at 2431 West Holcombe, Houston, TX@ the corner of Kirby Drive and next to the Flower Corner. 7136665667 acupuncture for low back pain Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic at South Shepherd Dr., Houston, TX@ the corner of Westheimer Drive and next to the KFC. This location has been servicing Houston for more than18 years.
Click here for the West Holcombe Clinic location map.
 The clinic is located at the corner of Kirby Drive and next to the Flower Corner.  
TEL: 713-666-5667.
2405 S Shepherd Dr, Houston, TX 77019, USA - Google Maps
Acupuncture Houston TX-South Shepherd Clinic
TEL: 713-529-8332.

From Ryland      Acupuncture helps my headache, constipation, and anxiety.

My whole life I have struggled with my digestive system functioning very slowly and irregularly. Since I have been seeing Dr. Wu I am 95% regular. He has also helped greatly with anxiety as well as headaches. Thank you Dr. Wu!!!

From S. F      Acupuncture helps my back pain, etc.

I've suffered from a soar back, stiff joints and tired muscles for years, which I chalked it up to getting older. Given those aches and
pains, I woke up most nights and rarely got a full night of sleep. After my wife started benefiting from acupuncture, her progress was so
rapid that I couldn't ignore that there must be something to it. After my first acupuncture, it was hard to believe how much better I felt.
I've stayed on a steady course of weekly acupuncture, and I��m no longer plagued by the soar ness and stiffness. As an added bonus, Jannie Chiang has been great about working around my schedule.

Riko B.   Acupuncture Stopped my back pain in moments.

My first visit appointment with Dr. Wu because I am suffering from a sharp, consistent pain in my leg and lower right abdomen. I also felt a dull, fatiguing pain in my lower-mid back by my kidneys. After a brief consultation, question and answer, Dr. Wu inserted his first needle to me. The sharp pain stopped! After the treatment, the dull pain completely disappeared too. I am relieved and so grateful for Dr. Wu's wisdom. I also took prescribed herbs and felt nourished and supported in my health.  P.S.  I have also recommended my mother to be seen by Dr. Wu to support her cancer treatments.  Thank you Dr. Wu!!!

Andrew E.   Acupuncture disappeared my muscle pain from the sports injury.

I am completely amazing at the difference, I felt after my first acupuncture treatment.  I do a lot of weightlifting, but I was slowed by extreme muscle tightness in my shoulder blade area on my left side.  I had it massaged three times, including one trigger points therapy session. acupuncture for arm pain None of that helped at all. I decided to try acupuncture with Houston Acupuncture, I didn't know what to expect, but the process was very simple and pain-free.  After the session, I could feel energy flowing into my let shoulder blade.  Two days later, I was working out harder than I had in months and I had no pain in my shoulder.  Thank you very much.

M.C. 2008       My stomach cramp immediately stops in few minutes with 3 acupuncture needles only.

Before coming to the clinic, I had suffered from diarrhea cramping for two to three months. After Dr. Wu put two to three needles on my body, my stomach instantly felt better. I was amazed by how quickly the pain was gone!!!!!!!. He is the best acupuncturists.

Michael A.     My shoulder pain immediately relieved within minutes.

I have shoulder pain for about a year. Two co-workers with similar pain have gone under the knife for relief! I am against surgery, So I thought I would give Dr. Wu a chance. Within minutes of the first treatment, pain immediately disappeared from shoulder.  God, bless you, Dr. Wu!

Orian B.    Acupuncture immediately relieves my headache from sport injuries.

I had tried many many other treatments from other doctors to help relieve my headaches due to several times of sport injuries. But none of treatments worked. after my first visit at Houston Acupuncture and herb Clinic, I had immediate relief, and now after a few more visits, it is almost completely gone. I would recommend acupuncture to anyone, and I will have a new found respect for Dr. Wu practice. Thank you for helping me when other doctors could not.

L. L.    After the acupuncture needles were in just 20 seconds later, the pain was 99.9% GONE!

A death in my immediate family brought up an avalanche of very cold emotional issues which caused severe low back pain - the most excruciating & over-whelming immobilizing pain. I've ever experienced in my 48 years. After the acupuncture needles were in just 20 seconds later, the pain was 99.9% GONE!

Julia       Dr. Wu stuck me in six places and 2 hours later I could talk. I had my 60% of voice back.

Hello, My name is Julia. I came to Dr. Wu because my other acupuncturist retired. I would go her because of chronic sinus infections. one day I had lost my voice and had a sore throat, Dr. Wu stuck me in six places and 2 hours later I could talk. I had my 60% of voice back. Pretty amazing!

acupuncture for sinus pain and infectionGale E. The Woodlands, TX.           My headache is Gone even I had rupture disks in my neck over 10 years.   

Well, I have to say I was a skeptic but, my husband insisted we should give acupuncture a try. I have had chronic headache for the past 10 + years. Three years ago I was diagnosed with ruptured disks in C4-5-6 in my neck which made the muscle tension & headache worse. With just 10 minutes treatment, my headache and tension were relieved. I can not even remember when last time I did not have felt normal person like today. The tingling in my arm is gone and I feel great. I was scared to death but for no reason didn't hurt at all pretty cool!

KRJ - Houston/ Brenham, TX.     Acupuncture helps me every things!!!

Hello...... I am female and 43 years old. Dr. Wu has been my primary doctor during the last 16 years. I have come to Dr. Wu for various reasons, such as: 1. Fracture bone in foot. 2. Acute bronchitis. 3. Fatigued back and neck. 4. Swelling of knee. 5. Face lift. 6. Sinus infections and common colds. My treatments have always been successful. I will continue to approach good health with Dr. Wu in acupuncture and powerful herbs. It is truly a blessing to have found Dr. Wu and his wife Jannie.

V. A.      Acupuncture relieves my sciatic pain in a minutes.

I have had sciatic nerve pain for 5 years. Chiropractor could usually fix but with my osteopenia I was afraid there might be stress fracture from chiropractic treatments. One thing was all took here. WOW, no pain,  in a few minutes only, I can bend or walk or squat. It 's a miracle!!!

Sue F.      Acupuncture helps my ankle and feet pain.

I was treated for fracture of left ankle after acupuncture from Dr. Wu. I went to podiatrist in cost. He was amazed how quickly my ankle had healed. Your treatment really helped me. thank you Dr. Wu for your help. Today I am bringing my friend for acupuncture for plantar faciatis in her feet. She has had much pain, and had to drop out of dance class. After one treatment, she is much better. Thank you.

Teresa    Acupuncture immediately relieved my migraine headache.

I have terrible migraines. T have had them everyday for a year. I have tried every medicines under the sun. I came in here today with a terrible headache. We did the treatment and I feel much better. my headache pressure immediately disappeared. It is pretty amazing myacupuncture for neck pain and shoulder painheadache is gone! Thank you!

Tiffany W.       I am pregnant in one month!!!!!

I have been trying to get pregnant for two years. I came in to see Dr. Wu for one month and got pregnant after that. My husband and I had tried so many different medical procedures before that and nothing had worked. I truly believe taking the herbs and having the acupuncture treatments was the key to getting pregnant. Thank you so much!

Barbara       Acupuncture stop my arm pain in minutes!!!

I have a pain in my arm like a knife and tight neck and back. After few needles with few minutes, I immediately all feels better. My head is suddenly very clear and I feel relaxed......... Thank you Dr. Wu.  Acupuncture works for everything----- I keep having different problems and it makes difference. I am 49 just did half Marathon, I want to keep running with acupuncture. I can keep it up.

Laura J.       Acupuncture immediately stop my low back pain.

I came in and had low back pain. It was really bad. I have been seeing doctors since March, 2007. I have not been able to lie down and sit up without pain( awful pain of 11 months). Dr. Wu put 6 needles in me. I immediately can sit up. It is really incredible. I have been to my primary care doctor, 3 gynecologists, endocrinologist, podiatrist, sports medicine doctor. No one has any idea why I am always in pain. You probably think I am exaggerating but I am not. It is unbelievable. I am 48, a business woman with a BBA from Baylor University. I have never been to acupuncturist before.

H. R.   Acupuncture and Chinese herbs stopped my bleeding in 2 weeks.

When I was 15 years old. I had irregular menstruation. My period only came twice a year. On March, 2006, my doctor put m on birth control pills. On June, 2006, my doctor found I have ovarian cysts. So I continued taking the birth control pill till August 2007. At August 2007, I stopped my pills Since then, I was bleeding every day and every single day!! Even my doctor ask me keep taking the birth control pills, bleeding bleeding no stop!! My period still not came even I took the birth control pills. Then a friend of mine suggested that I should try acupuncture and herbs which I did. My first visit here was January 22nd, 2008. After two acupuncture sessions, and herbal supplements. My bleeding has stopped, I am feeling less worried. I am very impressed by how quick the treatment was. If any one has this type of disorder. do not hesitate to come in. You will be very pleased. I am relieved, no more bleeding, more energy. This experience was wonderful, and I intend to continue with my treatment to regularize my menstrual cycle.

MEGNON S.           I came to see Dr. Wu for weight gain and infertility! One of the biggest problems with my weight is I would wake up several times during the night to eat. After one treatment of acupuncture I was sleeping thru the entire night I couldn��t wait to see the results of more sessions. Thank you Dr. Wu

HITAJI   A.          When I first came my blood pressure was very high 167/93 and 134/118 I was in a great deal of pain and stuffiness with my joints and muscles, with only 3 sessions my blood pressure went from 118 to 78 along with taking herbal medicine he is a great doctor.        

HEATHER H.            Wow! Came in with a bad headache and it was GONE in about 2 minutes.

LINDSAY G.         I Came in with severe neck and shoulder pain with in minutes the pain was gone. I have suffered from TMJ for years and endured chronic pain for years �K Thank you Doctor Wu.    

D.    R.            This is the second time I��ve been here. I��ve back because I felt improvement in my posture and shoulder. I was amazed at the improvement and have told everyone who has listened. My specialist wants to operate on my shoulder but I have hoped that I won��t be needed the surgery. Thank you Dr.Wu.                  

JACKLIN     K.          I came the first time my shoulder was hurting. I couldn��t move my arm. After the first treatment, I stared feeling much better. I am almost cured after enduring this pain for 8 months. Thank you very much I feel much better.

3/26/08          WOW! Absolutely amazing the very first time and it works!! Sciatic nerve and the pain are gone!

Barbara AGAIN!!!                I am here, Last time you completely stopped my hot flashes, how did you do that?? I also sleep thru the night. Wow! I��m 50 therefore I got along with everyone. I am back for a tune up. I have bulging disc so the MRI says but I never had pain since coming here only a slightly tingly finger. I can live with that. Thanks again I will be back.  Awesome!

JOHN C.       I Injured my shoulder thru lifting weight and swimming.  I actively participate an Triathlon��s for the past 3 years (and marathons). My shoulder was killing me after swimming about a mile. I couldn��t lift my shoulder over my head and I couldn��t sleep. I came for acupuncture. Thirty minutes after treatment, I  was absolutely fine and I were able swim a mile on Wednesday and 3 ¾ of a mile today. Big triathlon on Sunday that I am now ready for it.     

M. G.     Acupuncture helps me get pregnant!!!!!!

My wife saw Doctor Wu for undiagnosed infertility. She had not been able to get pregnant about 18 months. But after acupuncture treatment, she got pregnant in second cycle before we are ready to have IVF. It was unbelievable. My wife��s health also improved and she is doing well. Since April of 2008, she is in fifth month of her pregnancy. I greatly recommend Dr. Wu to everyone who has fertility issues, particularly for those women with undiagnosed infertility problems such as my wife...

K. E   Acupuncture helps to stop colitis with frequent diarrhea.

I came here with stomach problems caused by colitis. Dr. Wu was able to carry out the diagnosis in the very first 5 minutes, and after the first treatment I felt a lot better. Diarrhea and pains were gone, and the energy level has risen very noticeably. Thank you!

D. W.        Acupuncture helps my migraine in 30 minutes.

I visited Dr. Wu for migraines that I��ve dealt with since 1970. I have consulted the very best doctors with very little results, missing work, vacations and my family. I visited Dr. Wu on the recommendation of a cancer patient who had a wonderful experience with the relief of so many side effects. One visit here relieved my headache and cleared so much pressure in my head. I am looking forward to the future with no pills, injections or any type drugs for the first time. Thank you Dr. Wu.

W.M   Acupuncture helps my stress with a wonderful result.

Since I have been coming here my stress level has considerably been down and my anxieties have almost all disappeared.

Patty P.      Acupuncture helps my migraine headache.

I came to Dr. Wu for low energy and migraine headaches. After the acupuncture treatment, I am able to gain enough energy to handle my stressful job, exercise and dancing. My outlook on life is much improved due to Dr. Wu��s dedication and masterful practice of Chinese medicine.

A. L.    Acupuncture helps my sinus infection.

I love Dr. Wu. I visit him for my sinus infection and his treatment aid in my recovery. I have been coming to Dr. Wu for many years. I think he is great!

Jan M.         Acupuncture helps my blood pressure, weight loss, actual diagnosis!

I knew that something was wrong. I just did not know what was wrong. My instincts made me make a right turn on Shepherd and pull into Dr. Wu��s office. I had no appointment, I had not seen Dr. Wu for more than a year and I felt foolish, but I pulled into the driveway anyway.

My energy level was low, I was gaining weight and swollen and my blood pressure was high. Tasked myself if this was simply part of the aging process. What I wanted was my blood pressure down, the weight off and possibly mote energy. To my delight, Dr. Wu said that he could take me that afternoon and asked me to fill out some paper work for him. 

Even though I was anxious for instant weight loss, he said that he had to treat the high blood pressure first. He explained that once it was better my energy level would be higher and that I could then start to exercise and loose the weight. Of course I was skeptical and questioned if he was right. I reasoned that he was highly recommended by good friends and I had even sent my son to him after an accident and he too was confident that Dr. Wu could help me. So I followed the doctor��s instructions. 

I am extremely pleased with the treatment and results that I received while a patient of Dr. Wu��s He proved to be very accurate in his diagnosis. With my new delightfully low blood pressure and clarity of mind, I now exercise, eat right, have no swelling and I am exercising and losing the weight I had gained.

 1/20/07         My fiancé woke up one morning ironed his clothes and all of a sudden was unable to move we took him to the message therapist to work out the muscle, that was useless. I called around to a few doctors�� offices to describe his pain but I was told it was just a pulled muscle to ice it and alternate it with heat. When this did not get any better a nurse advised me of Dr. Wu��s acupuncture out of desperation I called and Dr. Wu saw him in 30 minutes came to find out it was shingles! A few needles 15 minutes and he felt relief treatment #2 was even better my hesitations are gone about acupuncture Dr. Wu is better and more affordable then regular doctors.

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Houston Acupuncture & Herb, LP is no longer exit. The real new clinics' name is Houston Acupuncture & Herb Clinic, PLLC. The The material and content provided on this web site are solely for the purpose of general health information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and for providing patients and prospective patients with information about the services offered, and professional qualifications and experience of Houston Acupuncture & Herb Clinic, PLLC and its principals, and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The materials on this web site do not constitute medical advice and patients and prospective patients should not rely upon materials on this website for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. To receive advice, patients or prospective patients should contact Houston Acupuncture & Herb Clinic, PLLC for an appointment.
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Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Acupuncture near Houston, TX

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acupuncture houston tx south shepherd clinic 1. Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic- South Shepherd Clinic:
     2405 South Shepherd @ Westheimer (between Westheimer and Fairview), Houston, TX  77019.
Tel: 713-529-8332    
Click here for the location map
acupuncture houston tx west holcombe clinic
2. Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic- West Holcombe Clinic:   
     2431 West Holcombe @Kirby (between Kirby and Fannin Street), Houston, TX 77030.
Tel: 713-666-5667    
     The clinic is located at the corner of Kirby Drive and next to the Flower Corner.
Click here for the location map
          Back Pain
| Neck Pain | Shoulder Pain | Migraine | Headache | TMJ | Arthritis | Sciatica / Pinched Nerve | Tennis Elbow/ Knee pain / Leg  / Heel / Foot Pain|
          Infertility | Fertility| Male Infertility| IUI / IVF | High FSH | Egg Quality | PMS | Endometriosis | Menopause |Fibroid | Ovarian Cysts | Hormone Imbalance|
          Stress | Anxiety| Depression | Allergy/Sinus | Insomnia | Diabetes | Hepatitis| Weight Loss | Face Lift | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Quit smoking|
          Cold/flu/low immune | Irregular Period | Morning Sickness | Trigeminal Neuralgia | Hemorrhoid | High Blood Pressure | IBS | Cancer |
Copyright © Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic, 2405 South Shepherd, Houston, TX 77019, TEL:713-5298332. 2431 West Holcombe BLVD, Houston, TX 77030, TEL: 713-6665667. All rights reserved. No part of this publication protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, without written permission from the copyright owners.
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