acupuncture houston tx
Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic
Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic
neck pain acupuncture houston tx


Acupuncture in Houston, TX - Houston Acupuncture & Herb Clinic

2405 South Shepherd, Houston, TX 77019.     TEL: 713-529-8332.

2431 West Holcombe, Houston, TX 77030.     TEL: 713-666-5667. 

We are one of the best, biggest, and oldest acupuncture clinics in Houston area.

                Acupuncture for pinched nerve, Houston,TX - sciatica, leg pain, back pain, knee pain, foot pain, shoulder pain/headache/migraine/arthritis/TMJ/high blood pressure/vertigo, infertility, fertility, male serm count, poor eggs quality, IVF/IUI, hormonal imbalance, age,  etc.

Acupuncture Houston TX - West Holcombe Clinic Acupuncture Houston TX - South Shepherd Clinic
acupuncture houston tx west holcombe clinic Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic at 2431 West Holcombe, Houston, TX@ the corner of Kirby Drive and next to the Flower Corner. 7136665667 acupuncture houston tx south shepherd dr. clinic Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic at South Shepherd Dr., Houston, TX@ the corner of Westheimer Drive and next to the KFC. This location has been servicing Houston for more than18 years.
Click here for the West Holcombe Clinic location map.
The clinic is located at the corner of Kirby Drive and next to the Flower CornerTEL: 713-666-5667.
Click here for the South Shepherd Clinic location map.
Acupuncture Houston TX-South Shepherd Clinic
TEL: 713-529-8332.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine help pinched nerve, sciatica, leg pain, back pain, knee pain, foot pain, shoulder pain/headache/migraine/arthritis/TMJ/high blood pressure/vertigo.



 Pennye    terrible pinched nerve in my neck..

My name is Pennye. I had a terrible pinched nerve in my neck. The pain radiated down to my arms and fingers. I am not able to sleep at all. I had very high pain tolerance. Pain is never bothering me. But this pain really made me cry. After the 2nd treatment the pain was bearable. I have never had such relief, as I have with acupuncture. I was also treated for abdominal pain that I didn’t even tell him about, but he could tell just by looking at me. I have recommended him over the years to almost everyone I know. I strongly recommend that anyone try acupuncture and herbal treatments, not only when Western medicine fails, but as a FIRST option. It truly is remarkable.


Acupuncture for pinched nerve pain

Mostly pinched nerve occurs at neck (cervical discs), and back. It is caused by increased nerve pressure from surrounding tissues. Pinched nerve can happen all over the body, but sciatica is the most commonly seen.

Pain, tingling, numbness, muscle weakness, burning sensation, and lack of mobility are the major symptoms.

The common reasons for pinched nerve or sciatica are:

Joint problems, arthritis.

Disc problems: degenerated disc, bulging disc, slip disc, herniated disc, etc.

Accident injury, sudden or wrong movement.



Pinched nerve generally involved with persistent pain. The degree of pain is varied. In the neck area, sometimes the pain could flow down to the arm and hand. In the lower back area, the pain could flow down to the hip, leg and feet, especially when the sciatica nerve involved. 

Acupuncture has been proved by hundreds of researches that it is a natural and effective way to relieve pain and inflammation. Besides, Acupuncture is a big help for the degenerated disc problems.  Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have been used for thousands of year in China. They are not only used to treat disease but also to improve and maintain the overall health. 

For pinched nerve and sciatica pain, acupuncture and Chinese medicine should be the first choice.  Without the side effects form invasive surgeries or medications, acupuncture naturally removes the obstruction and enhances the body’s healing power. Through the acupuncture procedures the whole body is benefited by the improved circulation, the body stress is automatically reduced and pain is lifted.  Sometimes moxibustion is a combined technique to treat pinched nerve or sciatica pain.

Clinically, hundreds of patients have been greatly released by couples of acupuncture treatments after suffering for a long while.

   Wen-Lung Wu, M.S., L. Ac., PHD as Doctor of Medicine in China

Jo-Mei Chiang, B.S. L Ac., Master of Medicine (China)

     Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic, Houston, TX.

Click here to view hundreds of


our successful stories.


Click here to view acupuncture articles for pinched nerve pain.


Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
acupuncture houston tx - south shepherd clinic

acupuncture houston tx west holcombe clinic

1. South Shepherd Clinic Location:
  2405 South Shepherd @ Westheimer (between Westheimer and Fairview), Houston, TX 77019.
  Tel: 713-529-8332    
Click here for the South Shepherd Clinic location map.

2. West Holcombe Clinic Location:
  2431 West Holcombe @Kirby (between Kirby and Fannin Street), Houston, TX77030.
The clinic is located at the corner of Kirby Drive and next to the Flower Corner. 7136665667
Click here for the West Holcombe Clinic location map.

                        Back Pain | Neck Pain | Shoulder Pain | Migraine | Headache | TMJ | Arthritis | Sciatica / Pinched Nerve | Tennis Elbow/ Knee pain / Leg  / Heel / Foot Pain|
                        Infertility | Fertility| Male Infertility| IUI / IVF | High FSH | Egg Quality | PMS | Endometriosis | Menopause |Fibroid | Ovarian Cysts | Hormone Imbalance|
                        Stress | Anxiety| Depression | Allergy/Sinus | Insomnia | Diabetes | Hepatitis| Weight Loss | Face Lift | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Quit smoking|
                        Cold/flu/low immune | Irregular Period | Morning Sickness | Trigeminal Neuralgia | Hemorrhoid | High Blood Pressure | IBS | Cancer |
Copyright © Houston Acupuncture and Herb Clinic, 2405 South Shepherd, Houston, TX 77019, TEL:713-5298332. 2431 West Holcombe BLVD, Houston, TX 77030, TEL: 713-6665667. All rights reserved. No part of this publication protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, without written permission from the copyright owners.