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1. Four qi include:
A. Hot, slightly warm, Cool, cold
B. Warm, slightly cold, Cold, neutral
C. Hot, warm, cool, cold
D. Slightly warm, slightly cold, hot, cold
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2. The following tastes possess yang nature:
A. Acrid, bitter C. Sweet, bland
B. Sweet, sour
D. Acrid, salt
3. In view of the immensity of the traditional
Chinese Materia Medica and the amount of resources:
A. There is not a great deal of work to be done
on a basic level
B. There is great understanding of the
pharmacokinetics of substances
C. Many of the substances have known active
D. For most of the herbs, the active
ingredients are known
4. Diseases of qi patients should limit intake
of ____________ foods:
A. Sour C. Acrid
B. Sweet D. Salty
5. Combination of two herbs or substances leads
to side effects or toxicity caused by neither substance when used
A. Mutual antagonism (Xiang Wu)
B. Mutual suppression (Xiang Sha)
C. Mutual imcompatibility (Xiang Fan)
D. Mutual counteraction (Xiang Wei)
6. Quick frying the herb at extremely high
temperature until the herb is dark brown or cracked is done to:
A. Limit the impact of medication in its
B. Reduce toxicity or modify a harsh
C. Reduce cooking time in preparing the
D. All of above
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7. Saltiness enters:
A. Liver C. Lungs
B. Heart D. Kidneys
8. The flavor sour has the following
characteristics, except:
A. Drains and dries
B. Enters the liver and gall bladder
C. Astringent
D. Prevents or reverses the abnormal leakage of
fluid and energy
9. Decocting various substances in water,
reducing the strained decoction to a thick concentrate and adding
granulated sugar or honey forms:
A. Boiled powders (Zhu San)
C. Elixir (Dan)
B. Plasters (Gao)
D. Syrups (Gao)
10. Wine is considered to possess the
following, except:
A. Nourishing
C. Blood invigorating
B. Astringent
D. Channel unblocking
11. The functions of Folium Perillae (Zi Su Ye)
include the following, but:
A. Releasing the exterior and dispersing cold
B. Stopping bleeding
C. Circulating qi and harmonizing the middle
D. Alleviating seafood poisoning
12. Medication for the treatment of acute
symptoms should be taken:
A. About 2 hours after eating
B. On empty stomach
C. Immediately after meal
D. Any time
13. Traditionally, there are antagonisms:
A. 17 C. 19
B. 18 D. None of
14. ____________ herbs tonify and
A. Acrid C. Salty
B. Sweet D. Sour
15. A very important consideration in
prescribing herbs is the state of the patient's
A. Attitude towards Chinese Medicine
B. Personal preference
C. Kidney qi
D. Stomach qi
16. The patients with diseases of bones should
limit intake of ________ foods:
A. Sweet C. Sour
B. Bitter D. Salty
17. Water is the most common solvent, however,
the milk is used as the solvent:
A. To reduce heat C. To astringent
B. To tonify D. To invigorate blood
18. Hot diseases must be cold diseases
must be
A. Cooled, warmed
C. Smoothed, moistened
B. Drained, dispersed
D. None of above
19. Combined use of two or more substances with
different functions refers to:
A. Mutual accentuation (Xiang Xu)
B. Mutual enhancement (Xiang Shi)
C. Mutual Counteraction (Xiang Wei)
D. Mutual suppression (Xiang Sha)
20. A man comes into your office complaining of
excessive thirst, fever, headache, tight shoulders, his pulse is
floating & rapid. He explained his fever began after a bout of
sneezes and an accompanying episode of diarrhea. His past history
indicates normal health since last winter's flu. Your choice of herb
A. RAdix Puerariae (Ge Gen)
B. Periostracum Cicadae (Chan Tui)
C. Radix Bupleuri (Chaff Hu)
D. Fructus Viticis (Man Jing Zi)
21. ________Substances leech out dampness and
promote urination:
A. Bitter C. Salty
B. Acrid D. Bland
22. Minerals and shells are usually cooked for
30-60 minutes before adding other ingredients, this method is used
to reduce toxicity and/or side effects of
A. Radix Echinopiae (Lou Lu)
B. Radix Aconiti Carmichaeli (Fu Zi)
C. Fructus Forsythias (Lian Qiao)
D. None of above
23. The first choice of herb for treating
exterior cold patterns with dampness, such as, joint pain, heavy
feeling, sleepiness, fever, chills, occipital headache is:
A. Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae (Jing Jie)
B. Radix Sileris (Fang Feng)
C. Rhizoma et Radix Notopterigii (Qiang Huo)
D. Rhizoma et Radix Ligustici (Gao Ben)
24. The reduction of the toxicity or side
effects of one substance by another is called:
A. Mutual counteraction (Xiang Wei)
B. Mutual suppression (Xiang Sha)
C. Mutual antagonism (Xiang Wu)
D. Mutual incompatibility (Xiang Fan)
25. The following are the functions of acrid
herbs, except:
A. Dispersing
C. Circualting qi
B. Purging fire D. Moving
26. A number of fragrant substances that
contain volatile oils as active ingredients should be:
A. Cooked first for 30-60 minutes
B. Cooked first, and then the liquid is used to
cook the remaining ingredients
C. Added to a decoction only a few minutes
before cooking is finished
D. cooked separately in a double boiler
27. The reasons of processing the herbs include
the following, except:
A. To identify easily the areas where they are
B. To increase the substance's potency
C. To minimize side effects
D. To increase or alter substance's properties
28. The subterranean portions of herbs are
A. Before the rest of the plant has reached
B. After the rest of the plant has reached
C. Before the flowers opening
D. At any time
29. The urine of infants is sometimes used in
the preparation of the decoction due to its:
A. Tonic in nature
C. Ability of dispersing wind
B. Property of clearing fire
D. Ancient superstitious be 14
30. Relieve surface, promote eruption of
rashes, & stop bleeding
31. Disperse wind, dissipate heat, clear liver
and brighten eyes
32. Disperse wind, relieve heat, clear head and
eyes and promote eruptions
33. Weak in promoting diaphoresis, but relative
good for warming meridians, opening yang
34. The strength for promoting diaphoresis and
relieving surface is weaker than Herba Ephedrae (Ma Huang) & Ramulus
Cinnamomi (Gui Zhi), but stronger in dissipating wind and wetness
35. Remove wind heat, clear head and eyes,
relieve toxic furuncles
36. Excellent for relieving surface,
dissipating cold, smooth lung qi and pacify dyspnea
37. Disperse and dissipate wind heat, relieve
toxin and promote eruptions, smooth throat and dissipate swelling
38. Strong in dissipating swollen mass,
relieving toxin and draining abscess
39. Open nasal obstruction
A. Folium Mori (Sang Ye)
B. Ramulus Cinnamomi (Gui Zhi)
C. Flos Chrysanthemi (Ju Hua)
D. Flos Magnolias (Xin Yi Hua)
E. Herba ephedrae (Ma Huang)
F. Herba Menthae(Ho He)
G. Radix Angelicas (Bai Zhi)
H. Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae (Jing Jie)
I. Fructus Arctii (Niu Bang Zi)
J. Radix Sileris (Fang Feng)
40. A young business man suffers from fever,
chills, headache, upper body ache, no sweating, running nose, his
tongue coating is thin and white, tight, floating pulse on
palpation. you consider use of the following herbs, except:
A. Herba Ephedrae (Ma Huang)
B. Radix Sileris
C. Folium Mori (San Ye)
D. Semen Sojae Preparatum (Dan Dou Zhi)
41. The statements below describing Herba
Lemnae (Fu Ping) are all true, except:
A. Acrid warm in nature, so they are the strong
diaphorectic herb
B. Release the exterior patterns
C. Penetrate through muscle and encourage
rashes to surface
D. Remove water and reduce swelling
42. Externally-contracted wind patterns with
pain at the vertex can be effectively treated by:
A. Radix Sileris (Fang Feng)
B. Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae (Jing Jie)
C. Rhizoma et Radix Ligustici (Gao Ben)
D. Fructus Arctii (Niu Bang Zi)
43. ____________can be employed to release
exterior, disperse cold, reduce the poisonous effects of other herbs
and alleviate vomiting and coughing:
A. Herba Asari cum radice (Xi xin)
B. Rhizoma Zingiberis (Shang Jiang)
C. Herba Allii (Gong Bai)
D. Ramulus Cinnamomi (Gui Zhi)
44. A patient was enjoying cold beverages in a
cool summer evening, soon
after he suffered from fever, aversion to cold,
headache, adiaphoresis, abdominal pain and vomiting. The herb of
choice is:
A. Herba Ephedrae (Ma Huang)
B. Herba Elsholtziae (Xiang Ru)
C. Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii (Qiang Huo)
D. Herba Asari cum Radice (Xi Xin)
45. The deficient patients suffering from
externally-contracted conditions with profuse sweating are
contraindicated to take the following herbs, except:
A. Ramulus Cinnamomi (Gui Zhi)
B. Folium Perillae (Zi Su Ye)
C. Herba Asari cum Radice (Xi Xin)
D. Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii (Qiang Huo)
46. A female patient complains of fever,
headache, dizziness, her eyes
are red, painful with excessive tearing, she
has yellow coating on her tongue, a rapid, floating, wiry pulse. You
A. Rhizoma Zingiberis (Sheng Jiang)
B. Fructus Arctii (Niu Bang Zi)
C. Herba Lemnae (Fu Ping)
D. Flos chrysanthemi (Ju Hua)
47. Periostracum cicade (Chan Tui) disperse
wind, clear heat, clear eyes, remove superficial visual obstruction,
encourage rashes to surface, and:
A. allow constrained liver qi to flow freely
B. Stop spasm
C. Promote water passage, reduce edema
D. Can be used in deficient exterior patterns
48. Relating to Herba Schizonepetae (Jing Jie)
raw, all statements are correct, except:
A. Especially effective for promoting
B. Relieve surface, and disperse wind
C. Arrest hemorrhage
D. Indicated in treating measles, headache
caused by wind
49. Frying the substances with vinegar enhance:
A. Their astringent effect
B. Their analgesic effect
C. All of above
D. None of above
50. The yellow Flos Chrysanthemi (Huang Ju Hua)
nourish the liver and clear the eyes, are often used for decreased
vision due to deficient liver & Kidney yin, beacuse of their actions
superior to the other varieties:
True or false |